Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room - Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BJ. View directions
Contact: Matthew Mannion, Head of Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4651; E-mail:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies given by Richard Penn and Sir Stephen O’Brien |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2024 were agreed.
LBTH Productivity Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: Ayesha Hakim Rahman, Acting Deputy Director of Strategy, Improvement and Transformation, introduced the LBTH Productivity Plan item. She initially provided a brief overview explaining how the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities had requested that every authority assess and report on work to improve efficiency.
This plan was a response to that request and was also a good opportunity for the Council to reflect on its own strengths and weaknesses. She took Members through the Plan as set out in the agenda pack.
The Board proceeded to discuss the Plan. It noted that preparation of these plans had been a challenge for authorities, not least due to limited guidance from government as to what was required. It was important to make sure that every statement was backed up by evidence and that links should be embedded into the document through to web pages, other reports/documents etc so that the thread of information was clear.
It was also noted that the change of government caused by the general election meant that it was not clear what will follow next on this from the government department.
Action: · To note the report.
LBTH Strategic Vision 2035 Minutes: Robin Beattie, Interim Director of Strategy, Improvement and Transformation, supported by Abidah Kamali, Senior Strategy and Policy Officer, introduced the item on the LBTH Strategic Vision 2035. He explained that the Strategy set out clear short to medium term actions and looked to define a longer term vision, although more work was required to develop the vision. He noted the feedback which had already been received from Martin Esom.
The Mayor highlighted the value in creating this Vision in helping link communities, support young people and build a stronger, aspirational borough. He was looking to the experience on the Board to help guide this work.
The Board discussed the report and noted a number of points including: · How to make this document different from a standard strategic plan. · It was right to make this about the whole local partnership and not just about the Council as it would take everyone working together to deliver a meaningful vision. Full engagement with staff would also be important. · It was therefore important that partners saw the Vision as their priority too. · Look to the big businesses and organisations in the borough to play their part. · This could act as a rallying call for the community/borough so it was important it was written in accessible language and meant something to residents. · It was important to pick specific areas as priorities as if everything was a priority then nothing was. Sequence projects if necessary/useful and be realistic on timetables. · Think about the experience and quality of those tasked with carrying this through as the strategy was about people as well as productivity and systems. · It could be worth giving the final draft to someone who could give the text individuality and punch to avoid it sounding like it was agreed ‘by committee’.
Finally the Board asked how the community were being engaged with on developing the strategy and it was explained that lots of different methods were being used including workshops amongst other things. It was noted that accessing hard to reach groups was vital.
Finally the Mayor thanked everyone for their contributions and agreed that the report should come back to the Board nearer the end of the process once the consultation exercises were complete.
Action · To note the comments of the Board and to bring the report back to the Board once the consultation exercises were completed.
LGA CPC Action Plan Minutes: Robin Beattie, Interim Director, Strategy, Improvement and Transformation, support by Badar Raja, Transformation Project Manager, introduced the report updating the Board on progress against the actions set out following the Corporate Peer Challenge which took place in 2023.
The Board were taken through the indicators and performance summary in particular noting areas that were highlighted as significant risks and the mitigation measures that had been undertaken.
It was highlighted that the action plan was a living document which officers could add to at any stage. It was also important that it was not just a tick box exercise but that actions were effective.
There was a strong monitoring system operating behind this document and that whilst it was important to look to meet the expected timetable, delivery dates would be moved where that was the best option.
The Board discussed the report noting a number of points including: · Were the actions being taken still well focussed on the original recommendations or had any become misaligned. · It was worth proactively thinking about what the next set of recommendations could be when the Peer Challenge team return later in the year. · Councils should have the confidence to say when they think a recommendation from the Peer Challenge doesn’t quite tackle the issue it is highlighting. · Be open where delivery was slower than expected.
It was agreed that the report would come back to the next Board meeting for another look before the Peer Review team returned.
Action · The report to return to the next meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Karen Swift, Director of Housing, introduced the item on housing overcrowding which was seen as an extremely important issue in the borough with very significant impacts on the physical and mental health of those affected.
A number of angles were being used to tackle the issue on top of trying to build more homes; such as assessing different ways of evaluating mitigation measures, looking at all options including extensions, provision of extra toilets etc. The definition of overcrowded was also being reviewed to see if it could be improved.
Support for people who are overcrowded should look across to other issues the individuals may have to provide wrap around support and consider issues such as safe sleeping, family support and better signposting of other services.
The Board discussed the report and welcomed, in particular, the high level of detail that was available. The Board acknowledged the huge pressures being placed on housing and the big impact this was having on local residents.
A number of points were noted including: · It would take many years to address housing overcrowding. · The Council was working hard to encourage those who were under occupying council properties to move to smaller homes. · It was important to create space to think of long-term strategies as well as dealing with the short-term emergencies. · There was a London context to this issue and London Councils was looking at shared ambitions with a mission-based approach for all London authorities. Tower Hamlets should be part of those discussions. · Make sure that links to the Target Operating Model were strong including how family support links to this.
Action · To note the report and the comments made.