Issue - meetings
Q2 Risk Management Update 2019/20
Meeting: 14/11/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 4)
4 Q2 Risk Management Update 2019/20 PDF 423 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 5 for Q2 Risk Management Update 2019/20, item 4 RTF 995 KB
- Enc. 3 for Q2 Risk Management Update 2019/20, item 4 PDF 1 MB
- Enc. 4 for Q2 Risk Management Update 2019/20, item 4 PDF 160 KB
Mr Anthony Sotande-Peters, Interim Strategic Risk Advisor introduced this report stating that the purpose of the report was to inform members of the ways in which risks are identified and managed. The report provided a summary of risk activities over the second quarter 2019/20 and appended at Appendix 1 was the Corporate Risk Register. Appendix 2 referred to the Risk Management Strategy for 2015-2020 and Appendix 3 was the detailed summary of the corporate risks
Mr Sotande-Peters referred members to page 169 and said risk CSDSC0014 was being reviewed by the Corporate and Directorate leadership teams.
In response to questions from Members the following was noted:
· Members expressed concern some of the risks required more detail. For example, page 132 and the transfer of the Veolia contract. Members said they’d like to see more detail on this. In response Mr Sotande-Peters said the corporate risk had been reviewed by the Corporate Leadership Team and changes had been made to the register.
The Committee RESOLVED to:
1. Note the corporate risks and recommend changes and updates as necessary.
2. Request risk owner(s) with risks requiring further scrutiny provide a detailed update on the treatment and mitigation of their risk including impact on the corporate objectives at its next meeting.
3. Ensure that an effective risk management framework is in place within the council and leading council to be a risk mature, dynamic risk organisation.
4. Note that the Council has in place a formally approved risk management strategy which is subject to annual review. The strategy sets out the corporate risk appetite that is not risk averse but seeks to support decision making that consider threats, identifies mitigations in order to ensure opportunities are seized and delivered.