Issue - meetings
Malting and Brewster House Structural Strengthening Works
Meeting: 26/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Urgent Structural Works-Brewster House and Malting House PDF 424 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Wilde Carter Clack Barley Mow Final Report, item 6 PDF 918 KB
- Appendix 2 CURTINS RISK ASSESSMENT May 19, item 6 PDF 958 KB
- Appendix 3 Part 1 - Brewster & Malting (Exempt) , View reasons restricted (6/4)
- Appendix 4 Third Party R and R 1 May 2019, item 6 PDF 233 KB
- Appendix 5 Brewster and Malting programme, item 6 PDF 212 KB
- Webcast for Urgent Structural Works-Brewster House and Malting House
The Recommendations were amended and agreed.
1. To note that officers will explore the voluntary buy-back of leasehold properties in the two blocks, under the existing budgeted borough-wide buy-back programme, with potential costs estimated at c.£9.6m.
2. To agree to the introduction of two additional borough-wide leasehold service charge payment options as set out in sections 9.5 - 9.7 of the report.
3. To defer agreement of the following three recommendations subject to further discussion – with final decisions to be taken by Individual Mayoral Decision if required:
a. To agree that capital resources of £8,083,081 are made available within the five year HRA Capital Programme to fund the works (Option 1) and the services associated with delivering the works, and agree to adjust the five year programme accordingly.
b. Agree to the award of the works contract to Wates in the sum of £6,276,605.50. Wates has been procured via the Council’s Better Neighbourhoods Works Framework.
c. Agree to formally consult leaseholders and to recharge them for their portion of the cost of the works.
Action by:
(Interim Divisional Director, Housing and Regeneration (M. Baigent)
Councillor Sirajul Islam, Statutory Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report. He explained that this report set out plans for significant structural improvement works which were needed on these housing blocks. It was complex work which would take eighteen months to complete. The report set out the details of how the works would be undertaken. He acknowledged that this was likely to be extremely disruptive to residents and mitigation measures were also set out.
The report set out the likely costs to leaseholders. He accepted these were large sums which would prove challenging to some leaseholders. The Council was proposing to operate a buy-back scheme for those who wished to make use of it. A number of other options were also set out.
During discussion Members heard from a number of residents who had concerns over the works and the large charges they were now facing. This was placing them in a stressful situation and many were elderly so were finding it difficult to cope.
Members also noted that consultation had taken place with residents and that the Council considered that the works had to take place but was doing what it could to put a limit on the impact.
Following the discussion the Mayor noted the exempt appendix and thenagreed to defer a decision on undertaking the works to allow time for further meetings with residents to explore options. However, he agreed that the buy-back scheme should be introduced to help residents who wish to make use of it.
1. To note that officers will explore the voluntary buy-back of leasehold properties in the two blocks, under the existing budgeted borough-wide buy-back programme, with potential costs estimated at c.£9.6m.
2. To agree to the introduction of two additional borough-wide leasehold service charge payment options as set out in sections 9.5 - 9.7 of the report.
3. To defer agreement of the following three recommendations subject to further discussion – with final decisions to be taken by Individual Mayoral Decision if required:
a. To agree that capital resources of £8,083,081 are made available within the five year HRA Capital Programme to fund the works (Option 1) and the services associated with delivering the works, and agree to adjust the five year programme accordingly.
b. Agree to the award of the works contract to Wates in the sum of £6,276,605.50. Wates has been procured via the Council’s Better Neighbourhoods Works Framework.
c. Agree to formally consult leaseholders and to recharge them for their portion of the cost of the works.