Issue - meetings
London Counter Fraud Hub
Meeting: 22/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 London Counter Fraud Hub PDF 310 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.4a Appendix 1 - London Fraud Hub Business Case, item 6 PDF 529 KB
- 6.4b Appendix 2 - London Fraud Hub Evaluation Report, item 6 PDF 1 MB
- 6.4c Appendix C London Fraud Hub Schematic, item 6 PDF 361 KB
- Webcast for London Counter Fraud Hub
1. To note the business case for participating in the London Counter Fraud Hub.
2. To approve the proposal to join the London Counter Fraud Hub as a participating authority through the collaborative contract let by the London Borough of Ealing and awarded to CIPFA Business Ltd (“the Agreement”).
3. To authorise the provision of council data extracts to CIPFA for the purposes of preventing and detecting fraudulent or erroneous activity.
4. To note that the contract will be for a period of seven years.
Action by:
(Head of Audit and Risk (S. Tinkler)
Councillor Candida Ronald, Cabinet Member for Resources and the Voluntary Sector, introduced the report on the London Counter Fraud Hub. She highlighted that this proposal was seen as an important tool in targeting cross-London fraud for example around housing sub-letting, business rate relief and other fraudulent activities.
Councillor Andrew Wood, Leader of the Conservative Group, welcomed the proposal and highlighted the usefulness in making the public aware of this initiative in order to deter people from attempting fraud in the first place.
The Mayor welcomed the report and the comments received during discussion. He agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To note the business case for participating in the London Counter Fraud Hub.
2. To approve the proposal to join the London Counter Fraud Hub as a participating authority through the collaborative contract let by the London Borough of Ealing and awarded to CIPFA Business Ltd (“the Agreement”).
3. To authorise the provision of council data extracts to CIPFA for the purposes of preventing and detecting fraudulent or erroneous activity.
4. To note that the contract will be for a period of seven years.