Issue - meetings
Local Community Fund Presentation
Meeting: 01/05/2019 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 7)
7 Local Community Fund Presentation PDF 199 KB
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David Freeman, (Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy Manager, presented the update on the Local Community Fund and the Small Grants Fund.
The Committee noted an overview of a number of issues (as set out on the presentation slides circulated in a supplementary agenda) regarding: the bidding and assessment process, the engagement with the third sector, and details of the ongoing activities to help support applicants, apply for the funding with a focus on MSG supported groups. This included the provision of support sessions including TH CVS sessions, held at various different times of the day and support with preparing bids. The Committee were also advised of the number of applications received so far.
Turning to small grants fund, there would be five funding themes aims at supporting groups carrying out innovative work and small projects amongst other things. The Committee noted the application timescale and that there would be several funding rounds a year. Regarding the external contractor, the Committee noted details of the proposed arrangements and the contact details.
It was noted that Council’s Communications Team would carry out a lot of engagement on the application process.
The Chair of the Grants Scrutiny Sub – Committee reported feedback on its consideration of the report. The Sub - Committee sought clarity and received information about plans to outsource the administration of the fund and the risk of a duplication with Council work. Clarify was also sought about the role of the Council’s scrutiny process in overseeing the new fund, particularly whether the Chief Executive’s decisions on the applications could be called in.
In response, it was clarified that the Chief Executive decisions would go to the Cabinet for endorsement. As a result, the scrutiny committee would have the opportunity to consider and comment on the decisions with a view to ensuring that the process had been properly applied and the decisions were robust.
Councillor Ronald then invited GDSC Members to comment on the report. The GDSC noted the desire for scrutiny to continue to have a role in the process and that the Council were working to develop a rigorous and transparent decision making process. Regarding the role of the East End Community Foundation in assessing the applications, it was noted that they had in place a well established process for assessing small grants and it was envisaged they would apply a similar approach. In response to further questions, Members also noted further information about the number of applications received to date.
David Freeman, (Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy Manager, presented the update on the Local Community Fund and the Small Grants Fund.
The Committee noted an overview of a number of issues (as set out on the presentation slides circulated in a supplementary agenda) regarding: the bidding and assessment process, the engagement with the third sector, and details of the ongoing activities to help support applicants, apply for the funding with a focus on MSG supported groups. This included the provision of support sessions including TH CVS sessions, held at various different times of the day and support with preparing bids. The Committee were also advised of the number of applications received so far.
Turning to small grants fund, there would be five funding themes aims at supporting groups carrying out innovative work and small projects amongst other things. The Committee noted the application timescale and that there would be several funding rounds a year. Regarding the external contractor, the Committee noted details of the proposed arrangements and the contact details.
It was noted that Council’s Communications Team would carry out a lot of engagement on the application process.
The Chair of the Grants Scrutiny Sub – Committee reported feedback on its consideration of the report. The Sub - Committee sought clarity and received information about plans to outsource the administration of the fund and the risk of a duplication with Council work. Clarity was also sought about the role of the Council’s scrutiny process in overseeing the new fund, particularly whether the Chief Executive’s decisions on the applications could be called in.
In response, it was clarified that the Chief Executive decisions would go to the Cabinet for endorsement. As a result, the scrutiny committee would have the opportunity to consider and comment on the decisions with a view to ensuring that the process had been properly applied and the decisions were robust.
Councillor Ronald then invited GDSC Members to comment on the report. The GDSC noted the desire for scrutiny to continue to have a role in the process and that the Council were working to develop a rigorous and transparent decision making process. Regarding the role of the East End Community Foundation in assessing the applications, it was noted that they had in place a well established process for assessing small grants and it was envisaged they would apply a similar approach. In response to further questions, Members also noted further information about the number of applications received to date.
Meeting: 29/04/2019 - Grants Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 5.5)
5.5 Local Community Fund Presentation PDF 199 KB