Issue - meetings
Emergency Funding Criteria Revision
Meeting: 01/05/2019 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 6)
6 Emergency Funding Criteria Revision PDF 269 KB
Robert Mee (Interim Voluntary & Community Sector Team Manager) presented the report. He highlighted the three main proposed changes to the eligibility criteria in respect of:
• the need for organisations based in Council buildings to have appropriate premises agreements.
• recipients indebted to the Council.
• The new time limited revised criteria, to allowing groups in receipt of Council MSG funding in the previous two years to be able to receive emergency funding
• to facilitate the move from the MSG to the LCF.
In addition a new time limited revision to the criteria around the change from Mainstream Grants (MSG) to the Local Community Fund (LCF) was presented.
He outlined the key features of the proposed time limited criteria, to support organisations experiencing issues arising from the end of the MSG. He outlined the type of issues which would be taken into account in considering if an organisation met the criteria for this funding.
The Chair of the Grants Scrutiny Sub – Committee reported feedback on their consideration of the report. The Sub – Committee welcomed the changes in principle and sought assurances regarding the adequacy of the review period
The GSSC also discussed the impact of the move to the new LCF on the emergency fund given the possibility that it might lead to an increase in applications for funding. The Committee were mindful of the pressures this might place on the fund and the opportunity costs of the proposals in terms of leaving a shortage of funding for other groups facing ‘life and limb’ emergency situations. The Sub – Committee endorsed the report.
Councillor Ronald then invited GDSC Members to comment on the report. In response to questions, it was confirmed that the applications for the transitional funding would be considered on their own merit against the funding criteria. The sort of issues that might qualify an organisation for the funding included serious viability issues related to the move to the LCF.
Regarding the process for prioritising applications, given the budget restraints, it was noted that Officers were working with the organisations such as the TH CVS to provide support to unsuccessful LCF applicants and also identify alternative funding options. The nature of the type of support that would be offered was noted. Officers were mindful of the issues around increasing the amount of money in the emergency budget given this may change the nature of the funding. It was felt important to ensure it remained a source of emergency funding. The GDSC supported this point regarding the need for the budget to be reserved for emergencies rather than become another source of funding.
1. That the revised criteria for the Emergency Funding be agreed as detailed in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.12 and appendix A of this Report.
Robert Mee (Interim Voluntary & Community Sector Team Manager) presented the report. He highlighted the three main proposed changes to the eligibility criteria in respect of:
• the need for organisations based in Council buildings to have appropriate premises agreements.
• recipients indebted to the Council.
• allowing groups in receipt of Council funding in the previous two years to be able to be able to receive emergency funding
In addition a new time limited revision to the criteria around the change from Mainstream Grants (MSG) to the Local Community Fund (LCF) was presented.
He outlined the key features of the proposed time limited criteria, to support organisations experiencing issues arising from the end of the MSG. He outlined the type of issues which would be taken into account in considering if an organisation met the criteria for this funding.
The Chair of the Grants Scrutiny Sub – Committee reported feedback on their consideration of the report. The Sub – Committee welcomed the changes in principle and sought assurances regarding the adequacy of the review period
The GSSC also discussed the impact of the move to the new LCF on the emergency fund given the possibility that it might lead to an increase in applications for funding. The Committee were mindful of the pressures this might place on the fund and the opportunity costs of the proposals in terms of leaving a shortage of funding for other groups facing ‘life and limb’ emergency situations. The Sub – Committee endorsed the report.
Councillor Ronald then invited GDSC Members to comment on the report. In response to questions, it was confirmed that the applications for the transitional funding would be considered on their own merit against the funding criteria. The sort of issues that might qualify an organisation for the funding included serious viability issues related to the move to the LCF.
Regarding the process for prioritising applications, given the budget restraints, it was noted that Officers were working with the organisations such as the TH CVS to provide support to unsuccessful LCF applicants and also identify alternative funding options. The nature of the type of support that would be offered was noted. Officers were mindful of the issues around increasing the amount of money in the emergency budget given this may change the nature of the funding. It was felt important to ensure it remained a source of emergency funding. The GDSC supported this point regarding the need for the budget to be reserved for emergencies rather than become another source of funding.
1. That the revised criteria for the Emergency Funding be agreed as detailed in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.12 and appendix A of this Report.
Meeting: 29/04/2019 - Grants Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 5.4)
5.4 Emergency Funding Criteria Revision PDF 269 KB