Issue - meetings
Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission report
Meeting: 27/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission Report: Impact of Brexit on Tower Hamlets PDF 357 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.3a - Appendix A - Impact of Brexit on Tower Hamlets, item 6 PDF 497 KB
- Webcast for Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission Report: Impact of Brexit on Tower Hamlets
1. To note the Brexit Commission report attached in in Appendix 1 to the report.
Action by:
(Head of Corporate Strategy and Policy (A. Hoque)
Councillor Amina Ali, Cabinet Member for Culture, Arts and Brexit, introduced the report from the Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission. She highlighted that the exact nature of the country’s exit from the European Union had not yet been confirmed which added to the risks for the Council and the potential local impact.
She explained that the report looked to identify both risks and opportunities for the local area and local businesses.
During discussion a number of particular issues were noted including:
· The need to work with other London Boroughs to lobby for funding to replace European funding streams.
· Lobbying in other areas such as to have the skills budgets devolved to Councils and to lift the immigration salary cap.
· The ongoing work to publicise the rights of EU citizens, including those who were staff.
· It was important to take opportunities that arose especially in encouraging new businesses to open in the area from around the world.
The Mayor thanked everyone for their contributions. He highlighted the importance of the Council showing leadership to deal with whatever scenario was finally agreed at a national level. He agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To note the Brexit Commission report attached in in Appendix 1 to the report.