Issue - meetings
Asset Management - leases at Pat Shaw House and 401 Mile End Road plus disposal of land at Wayside Gardens
Meeting: 27/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Asset Management: leases and disposals PDF 336 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.4a Appendix 1 - Wayside Gdns Site Plan, item 6
PDF 148 KB
- 6.4b Appendix 2 - Pat Shaw House and 401 Mile End Road Site Plans, item 6
PDF 788 KB
- 6.4c EXEMPT Appendix 3 - Wayside Gardens Heads of Terms , View reasons restricted (6/4)
- 6.4d EXEMPT Appendix 4 - Pat Shaw House and 401 Mile End Road costs , View reasons restricted (6/5)
- Webcast for Asset Management: leases and disposals
The exempt appendices were noted.
The decisions were amended and then agreed.
Wayside Gardens
1. To agree in principle that the land at Wayside Gardens is declared surplus to the Council’s requirements and is sold to the developer’s property holding subsidiary, Drakar Limited, on the basis set out in this report.
2. To note that a final decision will be taken via an Individual Mayoral Decision subject to final consultation between the Mayor and lead officers.
Pat Shaw House and 401 Mile End Road
1. To agree to the Council entering into leases of two properties owned by Gateway Housing Association at the rents and other main terms set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report and the exempt Appendix 4 to the report.
2. To note that the properties will be manged by the Council’s Housing Options Service to provide 40 units of temporary accommodation for people in priority housing need.
3. To delegate authority to the Acting Corporate Director, Place to agree all other terms of the leases.
4. To authorise the Corporate Director, Place in liaison with the Corporate Director, Governance to enter into the necessary legal agreements required to implement the recommendations above
Action by:
(Interim Head of Asset Management (A. McCarthy)
(Interim Divisional Director, Housing and Regeneration (M. Baigent)
The Mayor introduced the report on two proposed property leases and a land disposal. He took the report in two parts.
Pat Shaw House and 401 Mile End Road
In terms of taking on leases at the above properties the Mayor welcomed the report. He highlighted that the proposals had been scrutinised by Lead Members and were seen as offering value to the authority. He noted the exempt appendix and agreed the recommendations as set out.
Wayside Gardens
In relation to the proposed disposal of land, the Mayor considered that on balance this was the right approach in order to enable the development to go ahead. However, he was acutely aware of the lack of open space in the borough and welcomed the work officers were undertaking to explore options for recreating this space. He also asked for more details on the agreement with the developer including in respect of control over future use of the disposed site. Finally, he also noted the exempt appendix.
Following discussion, the Mayor agreed the decision in principle but asked for more information in relation to the issues highlighted above. Following the satisfactory conclusion of that discussion he proposed taking an Individual Mayoral Decision to confirm his view.
Wayside Gardens
1. To agree in principle that the land at Wayside Gardens is declared surplus to the Council’s requirements and is sold to the developer’s property holding subsidiary, Drakar Limited, on the basis set out in this report.
2. To note that a final decision will be taken via an Individual Mayoral Decision subject to final consultation between the Mayor and lead officers.
Pat Shaw House and 401 Mile End Road
1. To agree to the Council entering into leases of two properties owned by Gateway Housing Association at the rents and other main terms set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report and the exempt Appendix 4 to the report.
2. To note that the properties will be manged by the Council’s Housing Options Service to provide 40 units of temporary accommodation for people in priority housing need.
3. To delegate authority to the Acting Corporate Director, Place to agree all other terms of the leases.
4. To authorise the Corporate Director, Place in liaison with the Corporate Director, Governance to enter into the necessary legal agreements required to implement the recommendations above