Issue - meetings
Quarterly Performance & Improvement Monitoring - Q3 2018-19
Meeting: 27/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Quarterly Performance & Improvement Monitoring - Q3 2018-19 PDF 116 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.8a Appendix 1 Quarter 3 201819 Monitoring Report, item 6 PDF 2 MB
- Webcast for Quarterly Performance & Improvement Monitoring - Q3 2018-19
1. To note the summary status as set out at the beginning of the attached monitoring report; and
2. To note the performance of the strategic measures at mid-year, including those measures where the minimum expectation has been missed; and
3. To note progress in delivering Strategic Plan activities at the mid-year point, including those activities that are flagged as delayed and overdue.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Strategy, Policy and Performance (S. Godman)
(Head of Intelligence and Performance (T. Dreyer)
The Mayor introduced the report setting out the Council’s performance and improvement monitoring information for quarter three. He highlighted areas showing good progress such as around children’s services and street cleanliness but acknowledged more work was required. He reported that he spent quite a lot of time with Lead Members and officers examining the key information and targets relating to this report and he agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To note the summary status as set out at the beginning of the attached monitoring report; and
2. To note the performance of the strategic measures at mid-year, including those measures where the minimum expectation has been missed; and
3. To note progress in delivering Strategic Plan activities at the mid-year point, including those activities that are flagged as delayed and overdue.