Issue - meetings
Pan-London Homeless Prevention Procurement Hub ("Capital Letters")
Meeting: 26/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Pan-London Homeless Prevention Procurement Hub ("Capital Letters") PDF 160 KB
Additional documents:
1. To note the £38 million over three years potentially being made available by MHCLG specifically for pan-London collaboration on the procurement of accommodation for homeless households.
2. To approve the decision to join “Capital Letters”, a Company Limited by Guarantee that will be established by the London boroughs, as an A member.
3. To appoint the Interim Divisional Director of Housing and Regeneration, as the Council’s Company Member Representative.
4. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director, Place, to approve operational arrangements for staff secondment and procurement via the company.
Action by:
(Interim Divisional Director, Housing (M. Baigent)
The Mayor introduced the report on the pan-London homeless prevention procurement hub. He welcomed it as a positive response to the issue of homelessness. He noted the pre-decision scrutiny questions and officer responses and agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. To note the £38 million over three years potentially being made available by MHCLG specifically for pan-London collaboration on the procurement of accommodation for homeless households.
2. To approve the decision to join “Capital Letters”, a Company Limited by Guarantee that will be established by the London boroughs, as an A member.
3. To appoint the Interim Divisional Director of Housing and Regeneration, as the Council’s Company Member Representative.
4. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director, Place, to approve operational arrangements for staff secondment and procurement via the company.