Issue - meetings
Medium Term Financial Strategy Refresh & 2019-20 Budget Planning (IO 81264)
Meeting: 25/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Medium Term Financial Strategy Refresh & 2019-20 Budget Planning PDF 130 KB
Additional documents:
1. To note the Council’s Outcomes Based Budgeting approach to prioritising resources over the MTFS from 2019-20 to 2021-22.
2. To note the challenges and actions set out in this report that will inform the development of the Council’s MTFS for 2019-2022;
3. To note the timescales and next steps for reviewing and consulting on budget proposals;
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Finance, Procurement and Audit (N. Murton)
The Mayor introduced the report on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. He noted that this specific report related to the budget setting process that would lead up to Council in February 2019.
He noted that there was a significant challenge facing the Council in relation to savings targets and that there was still uncertainty over a number of areas such as government announcements, social care precepts and decisions on issues such as the London pilot business rates retention scheme.
He agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To note the Council’s Outcomes Based Budgeting approach to prioritising resources over the MTFS from 2019-20 to 2021-22.
2. To note the challenges and actions set out in this report that will inform the development of the Council’s MTFS for 2019-2022;
3. To note the timescales and next steps for reviewing and consulting on budget proposals;