Issue - meetings
Best Value Improvement Plan 2018-19 Quarterly Report
Meeting: 11/06/2018 - Tower Hamlets Best Value Improvement Board (Item 4)
4 Best Value Improvement Plan 2018-19 Quarterly Report PDF 139 KB
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The Acting Service Manager Strategy Policy and Performance presented the report which provided an update on the delivery of actions in the Best Value Improvement Plan. Updates were reported in each of the five areas/themes specified in the Secretary of State Directions of 2017. The Board noted that at the year 2017-18 over 80% of the milestones had been delivered and this report provides updates against the outstanding milestones for each of the themes.
Much preparatory work had been done and a robust delivery framework established for the delivery of the borough mayoral and local elections. There had been extensive collaboration with Police around training, arrangements at polling stations and at the Count. Additionally the Council had participated in the Cabinet Office Postal Vote Pilot.
Analysis of data from Postal Vote Pilot and review data and feedback of the elections will be used to inform future elections.
All milestones have been achieved except the implementation of a new Council intranet, however work on this was progressing. Additionally the Communications Team had been shortlisted for three Public Relations and Communications Association awards for their work on two campaigns and also for Team of the Year.
The schedule of Community Hubs to be brought into service had been revised to mitigate delays in the implementation of Raines House as the borough’s second Community Hub. This was due to delays incurred relating to its listed building status. The Council intended to re-focus towards the delivery of other Hub sites to ensure the impacts on implementation of the Community Hubs programme were reduced.
Achievements included completion of a review of the Third Sector Team, and development of a new compact. Additionally work has progressed to develop a community commissioning framework and a new grants policy.
Organisational Culture
Achievements included a review of the Constitution, including member-officer protocols, and Member codes of conduct. Staff had been involved in work to develop new corporate values to deliver excellence under the theme of TOWER Values. Additionally the Mayor had re-established the Tower Hamlets Partnership Executive Group and significant work has been to develop a single vision and priorities for the borough.
During discussion, the Board considered the data provided and received the following information in response to questions:
The re-establishment of the Tower Hamlets Partnership affirmed the Council's intention to work together with its strategic partners. There had been meetings between Chief Officers to establish the vision and priorities around five themes; “strong resilient and safer communities, building a stronger, inclusive and fairer borough, good jobs and employment, better health and wellbeing and better deal for young people”.
The challenges of delivering the local elections in 2018 had been met. Extensive and detailed preparations had been undertaken in all aspects of the delivery from prevention of identity fraud at registration to arrangements and procedures at Polling Stations and at the Count. These were underpinned by a comprehensive training programme which had been delivered to elections staff and Police. Feedback had been received and ... view the full minutes text for item 4