Issue - meetings
LGA Corporate Peer Challenge
Meeting: 11/06/2018 - Tower Hamlets Best Value Improvement Board (Item 5)
5 LGA Corporate Peer Challenge PDF 152 KB
The Acting Service Manager Strategy Policy and Performance presented the report. The Board noted:
· The summary of the review arrangements.
· The membership of the Peer review team.
· The schedule of interviews with Councillors staff and stakeholders.
· The challenger process as outlined in Section 5 of the report.
· The themes for review as set out in section 3.2 and 3.3 of the report.
The Board noted:
- Feedback from the Peer Team had been received that arrangements for the review were satisfactory.
- That the Council’s intention was to demonstrate that it wished to build on learning and embed a culture of improvement into the organisation into the future.
- The credentials of the Peer Team and the experience these will bring to the review.
A request was made that the position statement be shared with Board Members.
1. That the progress made with preparations for the peer challenge as outlined in the report and presentation be noted.
2. That the position statement be shared with Board Members.
Action by: A Hoque, Acting Service Manager Strategy Policy and Performance