Issue - meetings
Community Safety Partnership Plan
Meeting: 28/01/2019 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 3)
3 Community Safety- Safer Neighbourhood Board PDF 137 KB
The Committee will receive a presentation from Jack Gilbert, Vice- Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods Board
Additional documents:
The Committee received a presentation from Jack Gilbert, Vice- Chair of the Safer Neighbourhoods Board it was noted that the role and purpose of Safer Neighbourhood Boards is to be the primary borough-level mechanism for local engagement and as such, the Board has five key aims to:
I. ensure communities are more closely involved in problem solving and crime prevention;
II. have a broad remit to reflect Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPaC’s) broader responsibilities, while respecting the view that local people know best what is needed at the local level;
III. have greater reach and ensure a more frequent refresh of ideas and views;
IV. achieve greater coherence between different engagement mechanisms, e.g. ward panels, Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs), Neighbourhood Watch and Stop and Search Community Monitoring Groups, so as to provide greater public accountability in policing and crime reduction; and
V. Make more efficient use of resources to deliver value for money and target funds at tackling issues of local concern and crime prevention.
The discussions arising out of consideration of this presentation are summarised as follows:
The Committee:
– Noted that details on the number of active Ward Panels would be made available and that the Safer Neighbourhood Board was an amalgamation of those groups in the previous community engagement structure, such as Police Consultative Groups and it had also to establish working relationships with other engagement and oversight functions such as the local ward panels and neighbourhood cluster panels, Neighbourhood Watch schemes, Independent Advisory Groups and the Boroughs Community Safety Partnership;
– Noted that there were neighbourhood cluster panels for the North; South; East and West of the Borough to look at issues within a wider context. Also MOPaC are now working with the MPS (i) on producing data that can be more easily understood; (ii) to build confidence in the Panels; (iii) to support collaborative working between all participants; and (iv) look at the differences between wards;
– Indicated that it felt that there is a job of work to be undertaken so as to encourage the development of a membership that truly reflects the communities that it seeks to serve and has meaningful engagement with those communities;
– Expressed concern at the financial pressures faced by Safer Neighbourhood Teams which had required them to work differently making more effective use of reduced resources. Which it was felt had, had an impact upon the local police presence, reassurance and visibility;
– Noted that there is a need to understand that the cycle of violence and who the perpetrator is and who is the victim which can be a fluid; and
– Commented that it supported the idea of developing a true and robust engagement by Ward Panels so as to make the Borough better for residents.
In conclusion, Councillor Ullah thanked Jack Gilbert for his presentation.
Meeting: 13/12/2017 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
Additional documents:
The Committee received a presentation that covered the following:
I. Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG);
II. Hate Crime;
III. Rapid Response Team;
IV. Prevent & Community Safety Partnership;
V. Enforcement;
VI. Crime Prevention;
VII. Anti-Social Behaviour;
VIII. Drugs & Alcohol – Criminal Justice;
IX. Licensing Policy & Strategy;
X. Trading Standards; and
XI. Community Cohesion.
The questions and comments from Members on the presentation may be summarised as follows:
The Committee:
- Indicated their concerns that vulnerable young people are being exploited in order to facilitate the running of street level drug dealing within the Borough. In response it was noted that work is being undertaken with Hackney and Newham to address this issue;
- Noted that the primary purpose of stop and a search power is to enable officers to allay or confirm suspicions about individuals. However, it needs to be used in a respectful way;
- Noted that there is a North East London Domestic Abuse Forum that aims to bring together representatives from the many local agencies who work with those affected by domestic violence and abuse in North East London. The Forum shares good practice, increases awareness of domestic violence and identifies any gaps in services;
- Noted that with the use by the Police of body cameras together with other ways to gather evidence the Partnership can pursue prosecutions in Domestic Violence (DV) cases without reliance on any witnesses;
- Noted that LBTH had commissioned an independent DV investigator;
- Noted that work is being undertaken on a strategic action plan to address gang and knife crime (e.g. weapons sweeps and the education of young people about crime);
- Noted Deputy Mayor for London now has a Knife Crime Working Group and that as part of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy there is a bid for the funding on work for young people and violence;
- Noted that with regard to the Council funded police officers a targeted operational model has been developed;
- Noted that the Police and Health Services are working together in the Accident and Emergency Trauma Units regarding young people and crime;
- Noted the concerns within the Borough regarding the effectiveness of the 101 number and need to improve the increased reporting of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB);
- Commented that it would wish to know how reporting of ASB this being developed and managed within Tower Hamlets;
- Noted that whilst calls to 999 will take priority over those to 101 in terms of back office support there is a recruitment campaign and work is being done to develop reporting on line and through social media;
- Noted if any Safer Neighbourhood Team has not contacted the local Ward Councillors then the Borough Commander needs to be advised;
- Noted that OWL (Online Watch Link) is used by the Metropolitan Police Service and Tower Hamlets in partnership with local Neighbourhood Watch coordinators to communicate with residents and businesses across the Boroughs. OWL is an advanced solution for police & communities to grow and manage Neighbourhood Watch, School Watch, Business Watch and dozens of other schemes. OWL ... view the full minutes text for item 7