Issue - meetings
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
Meeting: 13/03/2018 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 5)
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
The Sub Committee noted that, since the last meeting, the Mayor had taken no urgent decisions in the form of an Individual Mayoral Decision that related to grants.
The Sub Committee noted that, since the last meeting, the Mayor had taken no urgent decisions in the form of an Individual Mayoral Decision that related to grants.
Meeting: 06/02/2018 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 5)
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
The Sub Committee noted that, since the last meeting, the Mayor had taken no urgent decisions in the form of an Individual Mayoral Decision that related to grants.
The Sub Committee noted that, since the last meeting, the Mayor had taken no urgent decisions in the form of an Individual Mayoral Decision that related to grants.
Meeting: 05/12/2017 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 5)
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
The Mayor advised that he had taken no urgent decisions on grants as Individual Mayoral Decisions since the last meeting.
The Mayor advised that, since the last meeting, he had taken no urgent decisions in the form of an Individual Mayoral Decision that related to grants.
Meeting: 24/10/2017 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 5)
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
The Mayor advised that he had made no expedited decisions discharged as Individual Mayoral Decisions since the last meeting.
The Mayor advised that he had made no urgent decisions discharged as Individual Mayoral Decisions since the last meeting.
Meeting: 12/09/2017 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 5)
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
The Mayor advised that an Individual Mayoral Decision was taken after the publication of the agenda for this meeting. He reported that he had agreed to provide funding to the organisers of the Shuffle Festival in the form of a loan. The organisers have subsequently declined to accept the support; however the option presently remained should they wish to re-engage with officers.
The Mayor advised that an Individual Mayoral Decision was taken after the publication of the agenda for this meeting. He reported that he had agreed to provide funding to the organisers of the Shuffle Festival in the form of a loan.
The decision was taken in the same context decisions of this kind made by Commissioners that an expedited decision is necessary.
The organisers had subsequently declined to accept the support; however the option presently remained should they wish to re-engage with officers.
Meeting: 10/07/2017 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee (Item 6)
Exercise of Discretions / Individual Mayoral Decision
No urgent decisions had been discharged individually by the Mayor since the previous Grants Determination Sub Committee meeting on 9 May 2017.
No urgent decisions had been discharged individually by the Mayor since the previous Grants Determination Sub Committee meeting on 9 May 2017.