Issue - meetings
SEND Strategy (Post Consultation)
Meeting: 20/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 5)
Additional documents:
- 5.11a Appendix 1 - SEND Strategy final draft v1.2, item 5 PDF 297 KB
- 5.11b Appendix 2 - TH SEND Summary (FINAL) v1, item 5 PDF 415 KB
- 5.11c Appendix 3 - SEND Strategy KPIs, item 5 PDF 76 KB
- Webcast for Strategy for Children and Young People with SEND: Findings from Strategy Consultation and Proposed New Strategy
1. To note the draft SEND Strategy.
2. To note the proposed key performance indicators for the SEND Strategy.
3. To note the outcome of the consultation on the SEND strategy.
4. To approve the preparation of a document for stakeholders to communicate “what we heard; our response”.
5. To agree a date and how planning will begin for the launch of the new SEND Strategy in 2018.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Learning and Achievement (C. McInnes)
Councillor Amy Whitelock Gibbs, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, introduced the report. She explained that it provided the findings from the consultation exercises that had taken place. She alerted Members to the sections of the report which specifically set out the changes made following the consultation process.
The Mayor welcomed the extensive consultation that had taken place and how it had achieved a broad consensus on the proposed policies. He considered the proposals were now pretty comprehensive. He agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To note the draft SEND Strategy.
2. To note the proposed key performance indicators for the SEND Strategy.
3. To note the outcome of the consultation on the SEND strategy.
4. To approve the preparation of a document for stakeholders to communicate “what we heard; our response”.
5. To agree a date and how planning will begin for the launch of the new SEND Strategy in 2018.