Issue - meetings
Meeting: 22/02/2017 - Council (Item 6)
To review the allocation of places on the Council’s Committees and Panels following recent changes to political groups on the Council. (Report to follow)
Additional documents:
The Council considered the report of the Acting Corporate Director, Governance and Interim Monitoring Officer (circulated in a supplementary agenda) reviewing the Council’s proportionality and allocation of places on committees following recent changes to political groups on the Council. The recommendations were put to the vote under the guillotine procedure at Council Procedure Rule 9.
1. That the review of proportionality as at section 3 of the report be noted and the allocation of seats on committees and panels for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2016/17 be agreed as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report.
2. That the committees and panels established for the municipal year 2016/17 as listed in paragraph 4.2 be noted as agreed at the Annual Council meeting held on Wednesday 18 May 2016.
3. That Members and deputies be appointed to serve on those committees and panels in accordance with nominations from the political groups to be notified to the Acting Corporate Director, Governance.
4. That the Acting Corporate Director, Governance be authorised to approve the appointment of ungrouped Councillors to any committee places not allocated by the Council to a political group, after consultation with those Councillors and the Speaker of the Council.
5. That the proposed new committee structures for the Overview and Scrutiny and General Purposes Sub-Committees be agreed as set out in Paragraph 4.4 of the report
(Action by: Graham White Acting Corporate Director and Interim Monitoring Officer, Governance)
Guillotine Motion
At this point at the meeting, the guillotine came into effect. As set out in Procedure Rule 9.3, all remaining reports on the agenda were deemed formally moved and seconded and were put to the vote with no further discussion.
The Council considered the report of the Acting Corporate Director, Governance and Interim Monitoring Officer (circulated in a supplementary agenda) reviewing the Council’s proportionality and allocation of places on committees following recent changes to political groups on the Council. The recommendations were put to the vote under the guillotine procedure at Council Procedure Rule 9 and were agreed.
1. That the review of proportionality as at section 3 of the report be noted and the allocation of seats on committees and panels for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2016/17 be agreed as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report.
2. That the committees and panels established for the municipal year 2016/17 as listed in paragraph 4.2 be noted as agreed at the Annual Council meeting held on Wednesday 18 May 2016.
3. That Members and deputies be appointed to serve on those committees and panels in accordance with nominations from the political groups to be notified to the Acting Corporate Director, Governance.
4. That the Acting Corporate Director, Governance be authorised to approve the appointment of ungrouped Councillors to any committee places not allocated by the Council to a political group, after consultation with those Councillors and the Speaker of the Council.
5. That the proposed new committee structures for the Overview and Scrutiny and General Purposes Sub-Committees be agreed as set out in Paragraph 4.4 of the report