Issue - meetings
Review of proportionality and allocation of places on committees and panels of the Council 2016/17
Meeting: 05/12/2016 - Council (Item 11)
To receive the report of the Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance reviewing the Council’s proportionality and allocation of places on committees following the Whitechapel By-Election and other recent political group changes.
The report will be published once the result of the Whitechapel By-Election is known.
Additional documents:
The Council considered the tabled report of the Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance reviewing the Council’s proportionality and allocation of places on committees following the Whitechapel By-Election and other recent political group changes.
1. That the review of proportionality as at section 3 of the report be noted and the allocation of seats on committees and panels be agreed for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2016/17 as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report.
2. To note the committees and panels established for the municipal year 2016/17 as listed in paragraph 4.2 of report as agreed at the Annual Council meeting held on Wednesday 18 May 2016.
3. That Members and deputies be appointed to serve on those committees and panels in accordance with nominations from the political groups to be notified to the Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance.
4. The Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance be authorised to approve the appointment of ungrouped Councillors to any committee places not allocated by the Council to a political group, after consultation with those Councillors and the Speaker of the Council.
5. That the draft Council seating plan as set out in Appendix 1 be noted.
(Action by: Graham White, Acting Corporate Director, Law Probity and Governance and Deputy Monitoring Officer)
The Council considered the tabled report of the Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance reviewing the Council’s proportionality and allocation of places on committees following the Whitechapel By-Election and other recent political group changes.
The recommendations set out in the report were put to the vote and were agreed. Accordingly it was:
1. That the review of proportionality as at section 3 of the report be noted and the allocation of seats on committees and panels be agreed for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2016/17 as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report.
2. To note the committees and panels established for the municipal year 2016/17 as listed in paragraph 4.2 of report as agreed at the Annual Council meeting held on Wednesday 18 May 2016.
3. That Members and deputies be appointed to serve on those committees and panels in accordance with nominations from the political groups to be notified to the Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance.
4. The Acting Corporate Director, Law, Probity and Governance be authorised to approve the appointment of ungrouped Councillors to any committee places not allocated by the Council to a political group, after consultation with those Councillors and the Speaker of the Council.
5. That the draft Council seating plan as set out in Appendix 1 be noted.