Issue - meetings
Quay Club
Meeting: 19/01/2017 - Strategic Development Committee (Item 4)
Demolition of the existing concrete slab and associated infrastructure; alterations to Bank Street including the removal of existing coping stones above the existing Banana Wall to enable the installation of proposed utilities services and future deck; the installation of new piles in the Bank Street; and the erection of a five storey building on the existing marine piles for use as a members club (Use Class Sui Generis) and other associated works incidental to the development.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission and listed building consent subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to secure planning obligations and, conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report.
Additional documents:
- Item 5.3, 20/10/2016 Strategic Development Committee, item 4 PDF 895 KB
- Update Report 4.1, item 4 PDF 56 KB
Update report
On a vote of 7 in favour, 1 against and 0 abstentions, the Committee RESOLVED:
1. That the planning permission and listed building consent be GRANTED at The Quay Club, Marine Slab Pontoon to the North of Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 for the Demolition of the existing concrete slab and associated infrastructure; alterations to Bank Street including the removal of existing coping stones above the existing Banana Wall to enable the installation of proposed utilities services and future deck; the installation of new piles in the Bank Street; and the erection of a five storey building on the existing marine piles for use as a members club (Use Class Sui Generis) and other associated works incidental to the development. (PA/16/00899 + PA/16/00900) subject to:
2. The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the planning obligations set out in the 19 January 2017 Committee update report.
3. That the Corporate Director of Development & Renewal is delegated authority to recommend the conditions and informatives in relation to the matters set out in the 19 January 2017 update report.
Update report tabled.
Paul Buckenham (Development Control Manager) introduced the application for the demolition of the existing concrete slab and associated infrastructure; alterations to Bank Street including the removal of existing coping stones above the existing Banana Wall and the erection of a five storey building on the existing marine piles for use as a members club and other associated works incidental to the development.
Jerry Bell (East Area Manager, Planning Services) presented the application. He reported that the application was originally considered by the Committee on 20 October 2016 where Members were minded not to accept the application due to concerns over:
· The loss of open water space and the lack of exceptional circumstances justifying this;
· The adverse impact on the biodiversity of the dock;
· The adverse impact on heritage assets, notably the Grade I listed banana dock wall;
· Inadequate mitigation to address the harm caused by the application.
Since that the meeting, the application had been amended to address the Concerns. Details of the changes made to the application were as follows:
· Alterations to the building at ground floor level which include setting back the central portion of the building to reveal 110sqm of water space along with views of the Grade I listed banana dock wall.
· A reduction in the number of alterations to isolated areas of the coping of the Grade I listed banana dock wall.
· Replacement of the previously proposed £600,000 financial contribution for improvements and enhancements to the natural environment in the borough with an enhanced £800,000 financial contribution towards water space and heritage features improvements and enhancements in the borough
· An additional non-financial obligation to secure public access to the building for local residents on a bi-annual basis, to view art and cultural exhibitions curated by Canary Wharf Group through its Arts and Events programme.
The Committee were reminded of the site location and the surrounds. They also noted that Officers remained of the view that the application should be granted permission. However, should the Committee be minded to refuse the application, they were directed to consider the suggested reasons for refusal set out in the report.
In response to questions from Members about the proposal to hold bi-annual arts events, it was reported that they would be held on a weekend, free of charge, for the lifetime of the development and this requirement would be written in to the S106 agreement. Save for these events, access to the proposed facilities would generally be restricted as reported at the previous meeting. In response to questions about the biodiversity measures, it was noted that the application included a number of biodiversity enhancements. In addition, the alterations to the application should deliver further benefits in this regard by revealing additional water space. The Council’s Biodiversity Officer had considered the plans and did not consider that the plans, including the proposed lighting of the underside of the building would have a significant impact. Their comments were set out in the update report.
In response to questions ... view the full minutes text for item 4
Meeting: 20/10/2016 - Strategic Development Committee (Item 5)
5 The Quay Club, Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 (PA/16/00899 & PA/16/00900) PDF 895 KB
Demolition of the existing concrete slab and associated infrastructure; alterations to Bank Street including the removal of existing coping stones above the existing Banana Wall to enable the installation of proposed utilities services and future deck; the installation of new piles in the Bank Street; and the erection of a five storey building on the existing marine piles for use as a members club (Use Class Sui Generis) and other associated works incidental to the development.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission and listed building consent subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement to secure planning obligations and, conditions and informatives as set out in the Committee report.
Update report tabled.
Officers clarified that the application address should be entitled ‘Land at Bank Street’ Canary Wharf, London, E14
On a vote of 0 in favour of the Officer recommendation, 7 against and 1 abstention, the Committee did not agree the Officer recommendation to grant planning permission and listed building consent.
Accordingly, Councillor Marc Francis proposed a motion that the recommendation to grant planning permission and listed building consent be not accepted (for the reasons set out below) and on a vote of 7 in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention, it was RESOLVED:
That the Officer recommendation to grant planning permission and listed building consent be NOT ACCEPTEDat Land at Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 for demolition of the existing concrete slab and associated infrastructure; alterations to Bank Street including the removal of existing coping stones above the existing Banana Wall to enable the installation of proposed utilities services and future deck; the installation of new piles in the Bank Street; and the erection of a five storey building on the existing marine piles for use as a members club (Use Class Sui Generis) and other associated works incidental to the development. (PA/16/00899 & PA/16/00900)
The Committee were minded to refuse the proposal due to concerns over the following issues:
· The loss of open water space and the exceptional circumstances justifying this, set out in the Committee report.
· Impact on the biodiversity of the dock
· Impact on the heritage assets, particularly the Grade 1 listed wall.
· Inadequate mitigation to address the harm caused by the development.
In accordance with Development Procedural Rules, the application was DEFERRED to enable Officers to prepare a supplementary report to a future meeting of the Committee setting out proposed detailed reasons for refusal and the implications of the decision.
Update report tabled.
Officers clarified that the application address should be entitled ‘Land at Bank Street’ Canary Wharf, London, E14.
Paul Buckenham introduced the application for the demolition of the existing concrete slab and associated infrastructure; alterations to Bank Street including the removal of existing coping stones above the existing Banana Wall to enable the installation of proposed utilities services and future deck; the installation of new piles in the Bank Street; and the erection of a five storey building on the existing marine piles for use as a members club (Use Class Sui Generis) and other associated works incidental to the development.
The Chair then invited registered speakers to address the Committee.
Councillor Dave Chesterton spoke in opposition to the application. He objected to the loss of the open water space and that the policy criteria for allowing this in the report had not been met. He also urged that if granted, the proposed S106 contribution for improving and enhancing the natural environment in the Borough should be used to enhance the water space. He cited examples of previously approved applications that had resulted in the loss of a water space without providing sufficient mitigation. Councillor Chesterton then answered questions from Members about his concerns.
The applicant had declined to speak in support of the application.
Jermaine Thomas (Planning Services) presented the application explaining the planning history and the site location and the key features of the application. Consultation had been carried out and no objections had been submitted. It was considered that the land use was acceptable for a town centre location and also that the loss of the water space could be supported given the limitations in terms of its potential use. The plans would be of a high quality design and would be carried out in a sensitive matter to protect the heritage assets. There would also be a S106 contribution towards improving and enhancing the natural environment in the Borough. The plans also included biodiversity measures to mitigate the impact of the application
Officers were recommending that the application was granted permission.
In response to the presentation, Members also asked about the impact of the development on pedestrian access and the employment opportunities from the plans. Officers explained that the proposal would be subject to a construction management plan and if granted Officers could ensure that it would safeguard pedestrian access during the construction phase where possible. The plans also included obligations in respect of local employment.
Members also asked about the loss of water space and the special
circumstances justifying this. It was questioned whether
alternative designs had been considered to lessen the impact on the
water space. The Committee also asked about the other measures
explored prior to proposing the financial contribution and if the
contribution could be spent towards enhancing dock heritage and
waterway facilities to offset the loss of water space.
Members also asked about the design of the proposals, the nature of the proposed use and if the proposed ... view the full minutes text for item 5