Issue - meetings
Establishment of Housing Scrutiny Panel
Meeting: 09/05/2016 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)
10 Establishment of Housing Scrutiny Panel PDF 186 KB
Additional documents:
- Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee Terms of Reference appx 1, item 10 PDF 56 KB
- Hsg scrutiny appx 2, item 10 PDF 66 KB
The Local Government Act 2000 and the Council’s constitution allow the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to set up a sub-committee to discharge its scrutiny functions as appropriate.
It was noted that at present scrutiny of local housing provision is led by the Committee through its regular meetings. In addition, the Scrutiny Lead for Development and Renewal undertakes reviews and challenge sessions on particular housing-related topics.
However, in view of the priority given to housing within the Strategic Plan, and its importance to local people, there was a need to establish a dedicated Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee. This Sub-Committee would support effective scrutiny across the spectrum of the Council’s housing functions and local housing provision managed by social and private landlords. The report set out the draft terms of reference, composition and chairing arrangements for the Sub-Committee. Together with potential issues and topics that could be included in the Sub-Committee’s annual work programme.
The Committee indicated that it would wish to see co-opted members being involved in this Sub-Committee as housing issues have a considerable impact upon educational provision and that the development of this Sub-Committee consideration needs to be given as to how to support and develop the role of the co-opted members.
As a result of discussions on this report the Committee agreed the.
1. establishment of a Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee which will scrutinise housing functions within the borough, including through working closely with registered providers and other key stakeholders; and
2. terms of reference; composition; chairing arrangements; proposed dates of meetings and an outline work programme for such a sub-committee.