Issue - meetings
Mental Health User Led Grants Programme 2016 - 18
Meeting: 12/04/2016 - Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (Item 6.1)
6.1 Mental Health User Led Grants Programme 2016 - 18 PDF 798 KB
The Chair invited Caroline Billington, Commissioning Manager, Tower Hamlets CCG to introduce the report which concerned a programme of grants to support those with mental health issues in the community, giving them more control over their own care interventions and so avoid the need for other more costly forms of support.
The Chair invited Councillors present to comment on the report and they indicated that they supported the proposals. Councillor Golds also expressed concern that the geographical spread of the schemes across the borough was uneven.
Commissioners noted their support for the proposals and approved the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. That the proposed awards of small grants to independent user led groups at a total value of £90, 838 per annum, in line with the individual decisions detailed in the body of this report be approved.
2. That it be noted that awards will be on the basis that there will be no right of appeal against the refusal of a grant and that grants approved must clearly state the purpose for which the funding is being given.