Issue - meetings
Initial proposals for a Cross Party Forum on Grants
Meeting: 01/03/2016 - Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (Item 6.5)
6.5 Initial proposals for a Cross Party Forum on Grants PDF 119 KB
Zena Cooke, Director of Resources, presented the report which set out proposals for a cross-party forum to review and input into the grants decision making process through the establishment of an appropriate arrangement involving elected Members.
The Chair invited Councillor Saunders and Councillor Golds to comment on the proposals and they indicated that they supported the approach being taken.
Commissioner Max Caller commented that he welcomed the proposals which will strengthen transparency, where a cross-party mechanism will enable all views to be expressed and will remind Members about proper disclosure of declarations of interests and appropriate participation in discussion on organisations. He was disappointed that much time had been required to bring forward the proposals. The Chair noted that the proposals were the first element of a process to introduce cross-party participation which would later require a change of the Constitution in regard to the role of Overview and Scrutiny and a move to cross-party input supported by appropriate member training.
Commissioners anticipated good progress and, subject to this, would later review whether a role for an elected Member to sit alongside Commissioners in grant making could be evolved.
1. That the Council’s proposal be agreed in principle that a Sub-Committee of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should act as the “cross-party forum” to be established to review Officer recommendations prior to their consideration at a Decision Making Meeting to the satisfaction of the Commissioners requirement that a suitable mechanism be established to advise them.
2. That it be agreed in principle that all reports requiring a Commissioners’ Decision Making Meeting in Public are presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee on grants for their consideration in accordance with the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Plan.
3. That a further report be received at the April Commissioners’ Decision making meeting which will set out the detailed proposals including clear terms of reference for the Scrutiny Sub-Committee.