Issue - meetings
Grants 2016/17
Meeting: 01/03/2016 - Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (Item 6.4)
6.4 Grants Register 2016/17 PDF 124 KB
Additional documents:
Everett Haughton, Third Sector Programmes Manager, introduced the report which provided an update on the development of a grants register. This had arisen from a Commissioners’ request that a register of all grants made across all areas of the Council be established.
The Chair invited Councillor Saunders and Councillor Golds to comment on the report and they indicated that they supported the principal although they were concerned that the draft register contained some inaccuracies.
Zena Cooke, Director of Resources, advised that the draft register presented indicated the present position and would form the basis of an audit trail for future Grants Registers which would be updated regularly.
Commissioners welcomed the work that had been undertaken and the progress made towards a full register of grants provided to the community. They requested that any reported inaccuracies be addressed, that the register also record where delegation of grants decisions had been returned to the Council, including the name of the officer to whom the decision had been delegated.
1. That the report and the comments of Commissioners be noted
2. That it be noted that a detailed report with a fully completed Grants Register will be presented to the April Commissioners Decision Making Meeting in Public.