Issue - meetings
Draft Revised Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
Meeting: 05/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Revised Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document PDF 199 KB
Additional documents:
- 5.7b Appendix A - Revised Regulation 123 List 2016, item 5 PDF 188 KB
- 5.7c Appendix B- Revised Planning Obligations SPD, item 5 PDF 781 KB
- 5.7d Appendix C - Equalities Impact Analysis - Reg 123 and Planning Obligations SPD - April 2016, item 5 PDF 309 KB
- 5.7e Appendix D - SEA Screening - Revised Reg 123 List and Planning Obligations SPD - April 2016, item 5 PDF 360 KB
- Webcast for Revised Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
1. To approve the proposals for the revisions to the Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations SPD (as set out in Appendix A and B), for public consultation.
2. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Development and Renewal to approve further consultations on both documents should this prove necessary as a result of changes in law and policy.
3. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Development and Renewal, to make changes to the Revised Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations SPD where necessary, prior to the beginning of the consultation period or any subsequent consultation.
Action by:
(Service Head, Planning and Building Control (O. Whalley)
Councillor Rachel Blake, Cabinet Member for Strategic Development, introduced the report. She took Members through the report including looking at the difference between S106 and CIL and showing what CIL would be spent on. Particular attention was being given to the benefit to employment and business growth.
Councillor Peter Golds, Leader of the Conservative Group, addressed Cabinet. He expressed concerns about the low CIL level on the Isle of Dogs given the desirability of the development opportunities in that area.
Councillor Rachel Blake welcomed the comments and confirmed that the CIL levels would be re-examined but it was noted that the government appointed planning inspector had set the existing levels.
The Mayor agreed that re-examining the CIL levels was important. He thanked officers for their work in preparing the report and then agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To approve the proposals for the revisions to the Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations SPD (as set out in Appendix A and B), for public consultation.
2. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Development and Renewal to approve further consultations on both documents should this prove necessary as a result of changes in law and policy.
3. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Development and Renewal, to make changes to the Revised Regulation 123 List and Planning Obligations SPD where necessary, prior to the beginning of the consultation period or any subsequent consultation.