Issue - meetings
A New Local Plan for Tower Hamlets
Meeting: 01/02/2016 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
7 New Local Plan: First Steps PDF 135 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report that outlined the scope, process and timescales for the new Local Plan. The main points of the discussion may be summarised as follows:
The Committee:
1. Heard that whilst LBTH has a responsibility to ensure that it follows national guidelines every effort is made to reach out to all the local communities and to ensure that developments will benefit local residents;
2. Indicated it wanted more information on what is being done to develop tourism; protect heritage sites within Tower Hamlets and to improve the rates of recycling;
3. Wanted to know what can be done to restrict the expansion of betting shops and pay day lenders in the Boroughs various town centres;
4. Wanted to see more explicit reference in the Plan as to what is being done in terms of the health and wellbeing of the Borough (Including the provision of affordable housing for key workers (e.g. medical professionals);
5. Wanted to see more details on be engagement with the various communities in the Borough;
6. Indicated that LBTH does not have properly designated town centres and that this should be addressed in the Plan;
7. Wanted to see details of those assets in LBTH are considered to be of community value e.g. the older and more established public houses.
8. Noted that a report would be submitted to a future meeting addressing the transport infrastructure requirements of the Borough;
9. Heard that LBTH is working with Transport for London (TfL) on the development of the Boroughs transport infrastructure; and
10. Noted that through the Local Plan LBTH can secure community facilities as part of the infrastructure and address the provision of “play space”.