Issue - meetings
Meeting: 20/01/2016 - Council (Item 7)
The Council’s Constitution provides for the Elected Mayor to give a report at each Ordinary Council Meeting.
A maximum of five minutes is allowed for the Elected Mayor’s report, following which the Speaker of the Council will invite the respective political group leaders to respond for up to one minute each if they wish.
Additional documents:
The Mayor presented his tabled report to the Council. The Leaders of the other political groups then responded briefly to the Mayor’s report.
The Mayor made his report to the Council, referring to his written report circulated at the meeting, summarising key events, engagements and meetings since the last Council meeting.
Procedural Motion
After the Mayors’ report, Councillor John Pierce moved and Councillor Khales Uddin Ahmed seconded, a procedural motion “that under Procedure Rule 14.1.3 the order of business be varied such that item 12.6 Motion regarding the Bishopsgate Goodsyard be taken as the next item of business.” The procedural motion was put to the vote and was agreed.
Following the consideration of this motion and at the invitation of the Speaker the Leaders of the other political groups then responded briefly to the Mayor’s report.