Issue - meetings
Strategic Performance Monitoring Q2 2015/16
Meeting: 05/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Six Monthly Strategic Performance Monitoring Report PDF 160 KB
Additional documents:
- 5.7b APPENDIX1 Strategic Monitoring Q2, item 5
PDF 343 KB
PDF 338 KB
- Webcast for Six Monthly Strategic Performance Monitoring Report
1. To review and note progress in delivering the Strategic Plan at the 6 month stage (appendix 1 to the report); and
2. To review and note the performance of the Strategic Measures at the 6 month stage (appendix 2 to the report)
Action by:
(Service Head, Corporate Strategy and Equality (L. Russell)
The Mayor introduced the six monthly review report. It highlighted many positive areas of progress as well as issues in some areas. Whilst the performance monitoring processes were generally good, he was looking at adjusting them in the next few months.
In response to Pre-Scrutiny Questions, Councillor Rachael Saunders, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services responded that:
· The Council was on track in creating 800 additional places for disadvantaged 2 year olds, details on some of the capital spend was in the report later on the agenda.
· The delays in relation to the Commissioners had been resolved.
· On Education and Healthcare Plan conversions from SEN statements, the Council was behind schedule but was doing ok compared to other Boroughs. It was better to do them well rather than to do them quickly.
· In respect of the campaign to register children with GPs and dentists, the January meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) had been given over to a workshop on this issue and a report written in conjunction with the CCG would be presented to the March HWB meeting.
· There were a number of reviews taking place that were relevant to early year’s services and she would ensure that Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny were involved in relation to the reports that would be coming forward.
· The Council and CCG work was ongoing to look at mental health services and she would engage with Overview and Scrutiny Committee when looking at how the services should be developed.
The Mayor thanked everyone for their contribution. He welcomed that the 800 places for disadvantaged children were on target and he highlighted the need to ensure the right children could access the places.
He stated that he had delegated day to day chairing of the Health and Wellbeing Board to Councillor Amy Whitelock Gibbs but that he was keeping a close eye on the work being undertaken. He agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. To review and note progress in delivering the Strategic Plan at the 6 month stage (appendix 1 to the report); and
2. To review and note the performance of the Strategic Measures at the 6 month stage (appendix 2 to the report)