Issue - meetings
Collaborative Agreement for Sexual Health
Meeting: 05/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Collaborative Agreement on Sexual Health PDF 111 KB
Additional documents:
1. To agree that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets can join the London Sexual Health Transformation Project and the supporting east London commissioning with delegations that will enable the work to be taken forward.
2. To delegate authority to the Director of Public Health to approve the Council’s participation in the pan-London agreements on cross charging, lead commissioning and integrated sexual health tariff.
3. To approve the Council’s participation in a pan London procurement for a web-based system to include a ‘front-end’ portal, joined up partner notification and home/self-sampling. This will include the council being named in a Prior Indicative Notice (PIN) and Official Journal of European Union Notice (OJEU).
4. To approve the Council’s participation in sub-regional arrangements for commissioning and procurement of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) and Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH) Services.
5. To delegate authority to award contracts, as set out in the recommendations 2. to 4. above, to the Director of Public Health following consultation with the Head of the Legal Services, Chief Financial Officer and the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Health and Well Being.
Action by:
(Associate Director of Public Health (C. Lovitt)
Councillor Amy Whitelock Gibbs, Cabinet Member for Health and Adults’ Services, introduce the report. She welcomed the proposed collaborative agreement on sexual health as a positive development that would provide better services and ensure the Council received better value for money. Some smaller similar projects had already saved over £2 million. She highlighted the risks set out in the report but also noted that there were greater risks in not participating.
The Mayor welcomed the report and agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To agree that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets can join the London Sexual Health Transformation Project and the supporting east London commissioning with delegations that will enable the work to be taken forward.
2. To delegate authority to the Director of Public Health to approve the Council’s participation in the pan-London agreements on cross charging, lead commissioning and integrated sexual health tariff.
3. To approve the Council’s participation in a pan London procurement for a web-based system to include a ‘front-end’ portal, joined up partner notification and home/self-sampling. This will include the council being named in a Prior Indicative Notice (PIN) and Official Journal of European Union Notice (OJEU).
4. To approve the Council’s participation in sub-regional arrangements for commissioning and procurement of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) and Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH) Services.
5. To delegate authority to award contracts, as set out in the recommendations 2. to 4. above, to the Director of Public Health following consultation with the Head of the Legal Services, Chief Financial Officer and the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Health and Well Being.