Issue - meetings
Examination Results 2015
Meeting: 02/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)
Additional documents:
1. To ensure that future arrangements for school improvement allows the borough to focus on the continuous improvement of its schools as reported in this paper.
Action by:
(Interim Service Head, Learning and Achievement (T. Parkin)
Councillor Rachael Saunders, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, introduced the report. She highlighted that there was a lot of good news contained in the results, a real success story. She took Members through many of the specific results particularly those areas showing the Borough scoring better than the National and London averages.
As a risk for the future she highlighted that the upcoming government review of funding may well reduce the resources available to local schools. However the schools and Council remained ambitious to continue to improve on performance and had a particular focus on the 16-18 year age group.
The Mayor welcomed the report and thanked the Lead Member for her work on supporting this success. He noted the areas that required improvement including the underachievement of boys and the need to look at the impact of the rising school leaving age. He agreed the recommendation as set out.
1. To ensure that future arrangements for school improvement allows the borough to focus on the continuous improvement of its schools as reported in this paper.