Issue - meetings
Property Procedures for Disposals and Letting's
Meeting: 08/04/2015 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 6)
6 Property Procedures for Disposals and Lettings PDF 91 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.3b App1 Property Procedures, item 6 PDF 228 KB
- Webcast for Property Procedures for Disposals and Lettings
1) To approve the revised Property Procedure for Disposal and Lettings.
2) To authorise the corporate director to incorporate such of the suggestions of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as are considered appropriate and otherwise to provide written responses to the matters raised by the committee.
3) To note the requirement for approval from the Commissioners, set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report.
Action by:
(Service Head, Corporate Property and Capital Delivery (A. Sutcliffe)
Councillor Alibor Choudhury, Cabinet Member for Resources, introduced the report. He stated that the policy review set out a number of proposed improvements to processes. The tabled pre-scrutiny questions were noted and it was proposed that, as there were so many of them, officers would be tasked with reviewing them and responding as necessary.
The Mayor agreed the recommendations as set out with the understanding that officers could update the procedures if required following a review of the pre-scrutiny questions.
1. To approve the revised Property Procedure for Disposal and Lettings.
2. To authorise the corporate director to incorporate such of the suggestions of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as are considered appropriate and otherwise to provide written responses to the matters raised by the Committee.
3. To note the requirement for approval from the Commissioners, set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report.