Issue - meetings
Extended Payment Support Options to Leaseholders for Repayment of Major Works Recharges
Meeting: 05/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Extended Payment Support Options to Leaseholders for Repayment of Major Works Recharges PDF 191 KB
Additional documents:
- 5.9b App1 Extended Leasehold Payment Options, item 5
- 5.9c App2 Payment Options, item 5
- Webcast for Extended Payment Support Options to Leaseholders for Repayment of Major Works Recharges
1. To adopt the revised Leasehold Repayment Support Options 1-6 detailed at Appendix A to the report, and agree that this will supersede the previous Leasehold Support Options adopted by Cabinet on 9th January 2013 – Appendix B to the report.
2. To note that the Council has received additional Decent Homes Backlog Grant funding of £13.27 million for the 2015-16 financial year. This will result in additional net Housing Revenue Account capital resources estimated at £12.21 million after applying the statutory leasehold cap (see paragraph 3.7).
3. To authorise the Corporate Director - Development and Renewal following consultation with Corporate Director Law, Probity and Governance and Monitoring Officer (or their nominee), to enter into all necessary documents to implement the decisions made.
Action by:
(Service Head, Strategy, Regeneration and Sustainability (J. Odunoye)
(Housing Partnerships Manager (J. Kiwanuka)
[Note – Councillors Rachael Saunders and Ayas Miah left the meeting for the duration of this agenda item.]
Jackie Odunoye, Head of Strategy, Regeneration and Sustainability, introduced the report. She highlighted the importance of collecting the charges that were due but also the need to be fair to leaseholders who may be receiving very large bills. The proposals in the report took account of relevant government regulations on charge capping. She reported that, whilst some Councils did offer longer interest free periods, a balance had to be struck against the impact to the Housing Revenue Account.
Councillor Peter Golds, Leader of the Conservative Group, addressed Cabinet. He highlighted the Council’s duty of care to leaseholders and urged a swift implementation of the proposals. He also requested that all Members be provided with a guide to the support options available for use during Councillor Surgeries.
The Mayor agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. To adopt the revised Leasehold Repayment Support Options 1-6 detailed at Appendix A to the report, and agree that this will supersede the previous Leasehold Support Options adopted by Cabinet on 9th January 2013 – Appendix B to the report.
2. To note that the Council has received additional Decent Homes Backlog Grant funding of £13.27 million for the 2015-16 financial year. This will result in additional net Housing Revenue Account capital resources estimated at £12.21 million after applying the statutory leasehold cap (see paragraph 3.7).
3. To authorise the Corporate Director - Development and Renewal following consultation with Corporate Director Law, Probity and Governance and Monitoring Officer (or their nominee), to enter into all necessary documents to implement the decisions made.