Issue - meetings
Community Infrastructure Levy: Adoption of Charging Schedule
Meeting: 04/02/2015 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 6)
6 Community Infrastructure Levy: Adoption of Charging Schedule PDF 145 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.1b Appx A - Charging Schedule, item 6
- 6.1c Appx A1 - Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes, item 6
PDF 112 KB
- 6.1d Appx B - CIL Examination Report, item 6
PDF 265 KB
- 6.1e Appx C - Regulation 123 List, item 6
PDF 107 KB
- 6.1f Appx D - Instalments Policy, item 6
- 6.1g Appx E - In Kind Policy, item 6
PDF 105 KB
- 6.1h Appendix F - Equalities Impact Analysis, item 6
PDF 320 KB
- Webcast for Community Infrastructure Levy: Adoption of Charging Schedule
- To approve the Charging Schedule (attached at Appendix A) to be put to Full Council for adoption, with the following recommendations: -
· Approve the Tower Hamlets CIL Charging Schedule, as modified by the Independent Examiner’s report, for adoption on the 1April 2015, as attached at Appendix A.
· Note the CIL Examination Report, attached at Appendix B.
· Note the documents which support the proposed Charging Schedule, for adoption alongside it.
· Note the CIL Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes document, attached at Appendix A1
· Approve an annual review of the Charging Schedule, to establish whether an update is necessary and appropriate.
· Approve the referral of CIL income information within the Capital Programme to be referred to the Budget Setting Full Council every year.
- To note the CIL Examination Report, attached at Appendix B.
3. To note the CIL Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes document, attached at Appendix A1.
- To approve the documents which support the proposed Charging Schedule, for adoption alongside it. These documents comprise of: -
· A Regulation 123 List, attached at Appendix C.
· An Instalments Policy, attached at Appendix D.
· A Payment in Kind and Infrastructure Payments Policy, attached at Appendix E.
Action by:
(Head of Planning and Building Control (O. Whalley)
Councillor Rabina Khan, Cabinet Member for Housing and Development, introduced the report. She explained that the new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) would come into force on 1 April 2015 and replace s106 contributions in most cases. She highlighted that not adopting the CIL would make securing infrastructure contributions extremely difficult.
The Mayor thanked the Lead Member and officers on their work in developing the proposals which he hoped would bring significant benefits to the Borough. He noted the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
- To approve the Charging Schedule (attached at Appendix A) to be put to Full Council for adoption, with the following recommendations: -
· Approve the Tower Hamlets CIL Charging Schedule, as modified by the Independent Examiner’s report, for adoption on the 1April 2015, as attached at Appendix A.
· Note the CIL Examination Report, attached at Appendix B.
· Note the documents which support the proposed Charging Schedule, for adoption alongside it.
· Note the CIL Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes document, attached at Appendix A1
· Approve an annual review of the Charging Schedule, to establish whether an update is necessary and appropriate.
· Approve the referral of CIL income information within the Capital Programme to be referred to the Budget Setting Full Council every year.
- To note the CIL Examination Report, attached at Appendix B.
3. To note the CIL Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes document, attached at Appendix A1.
- To approve the documents which support the proposed Charging Schedule, for adoption alongside it. These documents comprise of: -
· A Regulation 123 List, attached at Appendix C.
· An Instalments Policy, attached at Appendix D.
· A Payment in Kind and Infrastructure Payments Policy, attached at Appendix E.
Meeting: 03/02/2015 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
Additional documents:
- 02. CIL Cabinet Report, item 7
PDF 145 KB
- 03. Appx A - Charging Schedule, item 7
- 04. Appx A1 - Charging Schedule Explanatory Notes, item 7
PDF 112 KB
- 05. Appx B - CIL Examination Report, item 7
PDF 265 KB
- 06. Appx C - Regulation 123 List, item 7
PDF 107 KB
- 07. Appx D - Instalments Policy, item 7
- 08. Appx E - In Kind Policy, item 7
PDF 105 KB
- 09. Appendix F - Equalities Impact Analysis, item 7
PDF 320 KB
The Committee discussed the proposed Charging Schedule prior to its submission to Full Council on 25th February, 2015, and considered the benefits of reviewing the Schedule following its operation. The Committee raised its concerns about the need for greater transparency in the allocation of Section 106, and CIL in the future. It was suggested that the allocation of Section 106 and CIL should be an area covered within the Best Value Improvement Plans. The main points of the discussion on this report are summarised as follows:
The Committee:
- Expressed concerns about the transparency of the CIL and wanted clarification as to where people get information as to how the process works.
- Noted the risks of not implementing a CIL in the Borough would be likely to result in difficulties with securing the appropriate funding to help pay for much needed infrastructure, to accompany the continuing regeneration and growth of the Borough. However, there was concern at how the funding from Section 106 had been allocated in the past and the Committee wished to receive assurances that there will be better engagement of Members in the process. In response it was noted that the purpose of the report was to seek the Full Councils agreement to the adoption of the CIL and then work will be undertaken on the governance structure for consideration by the Executive. In addition, there would be an annual review of the Charging Schedule to establish whether an update is necessary and will allow the Council to re-commence the rate setting process at the most appropriate time, in the context of the wider market.
Accordingly, the Chair moved and it was:-
- To endorse the proposed course of action that the report should be put before Cabinet and Full Council for the adoption of a CIL in Tower Hamlets; and
- To inform the Commissioners on the concerns about the allocation of S106 and CIL and suggested that they might be covered within the Best Value Improvement Plans.
Action by:
Owen Whalley (Service Head Planning and Building Control, Development & Renewal)