Issue - meetings
Genesis Mental Health Contract Award
Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 8)
8 Genesis Mental Health Contract Award PDF 129 KB
Additional documents:
1. To agree the recommended procurement method, thereby authorising officers to proceed to a competitive tender exercise for Teresa House and Hamlets Way Mental Health Accommodation Contracts; with the contract period being two years with the option to extend for a further one year period.
2. To agree the contractual extension required to facilitate this process in recognition of the longer procurement timetable required for an open tender as compared with letting the contract via the Supporting People Framework Agreement as originally intended; and
3. To agree that the award of the contract should be delegated to the Corporate Director for ESCW in consultation with the Mayor.
Action by:
(Service Head Commissioning, Health Commissioning and Strategy (D. Cohen)
Councillor Abdul Asad, Cabinet Member for Adult Services, introduced and welcomed the report. He noted that any contract award should always be for two years with the potential to extend for one year, as opposed to offering three years.
The Mayor welcomed the report and agreed the recommendations as set out.
1. To agree the recommended procurement method, thereby authorising officers to proceed to a competitive tender exercise for Teresa House and Hamlets Way Mental Health Accommodation Contracts; with the contract period being two years with the option to extend for a further one year period.
2. To agree the contractual extension required to facilitate this process in recognition of the longer procurement timetable required for an open tender as compared with letting the contract via the Supporting People Framework Agreement as originally intended; and
3. To agree that the award of the contract should be delegated to the Corporate Director for ESCW in consultation with the Mayor.