Issue - meetings
Parks tenders for Bethnal Green Gardens Shelter and Museum Gardens Toilet Block
Meeting: 23/07/2014 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 6)
6 Bethnal Green Museum Garden's Shelter PDF 93 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.1b Bethnal Green Museum Gardens Design Access Impact Statement, item 6 PDF 216 KB
- 6.1c Bethnal Green Gardens Shelter Drawings, item 6 PDF 2 MB
- 6.1d Design.Access.Impact Statement, item 6 PDF 63 KB
- 6.1e Museum Gardens Toilet Block Drawings, item 6 PDF 3 MB
- 6.1f Checklist - BethGrnShelterMuseumGdnToilet, item 6 PDF 72 KB
- Webcast for Bethnal Green Museum Garden's Shelter
The Mayor requested that responsibility for marketing, including any use of external expertise, be managed by the Development and Renewal Directorate.
1. To tender out a lease of 15 years for a café concession at Museum Gardens toilet block. The length of the lease is a requirement linked to a capital investment estimated at £250,000. The concession would bring in an annual rental income with the added benefit to the council of new public toilet facility managed by the tenant. It would enhance the park and help to bring in more visitors, keep down ASB, drinkers and rough sleepers.
2. To tender out a lease of 15 years for the operation of a catering concession at the shelter in Bethnal Green Gardens in exchange for a capital investment of up to £180,00 and an annual rental income.
Action by:
(Service Head Culture, Learning and Leisure (S. Hussain)
Shazia Hussain, Service Head, Culture, Learning and Leisure, introduced the report. She explained the proposals and how they would bring in investment to provide accessible services for the local community.
The Mayor thanked officers and Members, in particular Councillor Stephanie Eaton, for working to develop this project and stated that he looked forward to it being completed as soon as possible. The Mayor requested that responsibility for marketing, including any use of external expertise, be managed by the Development and Renewal Directorate. Subject to that note, the Mayor agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. To tender out a lease of 15 years for a café concession at Museum Gardens toilet block. The length of the lease is a requirement linked to a capital investment estimated at £250,000. The concession would bring in an annual rental income with the added benefit to the council of new public toilet facility managed by the tenant. It would enhance the park and help to bring in more visitors, keep down ASB, drinkers and rough sleepers.
2. To tender out a lease of 15 years for the operation of a catering concession at the shelter in Bethnal Green Gardens in exchange for a capital investment of up to £180,00 and an annual rental income.