Issue - meetings
Reference from Council - Watts Grove Depot Project and financial mechanisms for Dame Colet House and Poplar Baths projects - Draft OSC report to Council
Meeting: 22/01/2014 - Council (Item 9)
To consider a reference from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the above matter.
The draft report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to be considered by that Committee on 20th January 2014, is attached. Any further comments or amendments agreed at the Committee’s meeting will be reported to the Council on 22nd January.
Additional documents:
The Council considered a reference from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on its review of the Watts Grove Depot Mayoral Decision and related issues. An addendum report, including minor amendments to the Committee’s findings as agreed at their meeting on 20th January, was tabled.
Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman moved, and Councillor Rachael Saunders seconded, the recommendations in the report as amended.
1. That the Council notes the amendment agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20th January to the first bullet point of item 2.0 of the Committee’s report to read as follows:-
· The decision to use the model selected for the Watts Grove Depot redevelopment was flawed, and vulnerable to potentially foreseeable changes. The consequence of these decisions has seen the council incur costs of approximately £308,000 (as of 5th November), and lose out on the opportunity to provide 149 affordable homes. A partnership with an RP, or another more economically viable alternative model, would have been a better option. However, to pursue this now would involve starting the full and costly process again from the beginning.
2. That subject to the above amendment, the Council endorse the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the report; and that the Mayor and Cabinet Members be requested to act accordingly.
(Action by: Aman Dalvi, Corporate Director, Development and Renewal)
The Council considered a reference from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on its review of the Watts Grove Depot Mayoral Decision and related issues. An addendum report, including minor amendments to the Committee’s findings as agreed at their meeting on 20th January, was tabled.
Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman moved, and Councillor Rachael Saunders seconded, the recommendations in the report as amended.
1. That the Council notes the amendment agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20th January to the first bullet point of item 2.0 of the Committee’s report to read as follows:-
· The decision to use the model selected for the Watts Grove Depot redevelopment was flawed, and vulnerable to potentially foreseeable changes. The consequence of these decisions has seen the council incur costs of approximately £308,000 (as of 5th November), and lose out on the opportunity to provide 149 affordable homes. A partnership with an RP, or another more economically viable alternative model, would have been a better option. However, to pursue this now would involve starting the full and costly process again from the beginning.
2. That subject to the above amendment, the Council endorse the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in the report; and that the Mayor and Cabinet Members be requested to act accordingly.
Procedural Motion
Councillor Carlo Gibbs moved and Councillor Bill Turner seconded a procedural motion “That under Procedure Rule 15.11.7 the meeting be extended by up to 30 minutes to enable business up to and including motion 12.12 to be considered.” The procedural motion was put to the vote and was agreed.
Meeting: 20/01/2014 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)
To consider the information presented in the draft OSC report and endorse the findings/ recommendations contained therein for onward reporting to Council.
The Chair introduced the Committee’s draft feedback report to Full Council following the Committee’s previous discussions on the Watts Grove Depot and related issues. He highlighted a slight amendment in the first bullet point under 2.0 where the third sentence should read: A partnership with an RP, or another more economically viable alternative model, would have been a better option. He explained that, if the Committee agreed the report, it would be presented to Full Council on Wednesday 22 January 2014.
The Chair Moved the recommendation to agree the report.
1. That the report be agreed and submitted to Full Council on 22 January 2014.
2. That the Overview & Scrutiny Committee recommends that the Council endorses the findings of the report, and that the Mayor and Cabinet members act accordingly.
Matthew Mannion (Committee Services Manager – to submit the report to Council)