Issue - meetings
Older People's Day Services
Meeting: 06/11/2013 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 9)
9 Day Services for Older People PDF 99 KB
- To agree to offer new 12 month, spot contractual arrangements from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015, with three current day service providers for older people which are currently block contracted. These providers are:
- Sonali Gardens (St Hildas) in Tarling Street, E1 (focusses on Bangladeshi elders)
- Sundial Centre (Peabody Trust) in Shipton Street, E2
- St Hilda’s Weekend Day Centre, E2
All provide borough wide services to older residents who meet FACS[1] eligibility criteria.
- To agree that extensive consultation with current day service users and other stakeholders, and outcomes from the review and vision of The Care Bill should inform the model for a potential service redesign.
3. To agree a further paper to Cabinet in September 2014 with recommendations to be discussed and permission sought to go to the Market with clear outcomes for future Older Peoples Day Opportunities.
Action by:
(Service Manager, Strategic Commissioning (B. Disney)
Councillor Abdul Asad, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, introduced the report. He highlighted that it was important that the Mayor was kept updated about the pricing on the contracts on a regular basis.
The Mayor agreed that pricing, in particular spot pricing was an area that he wanted to keep updated with and officers promised to monitor them on a monthly basis. The Mayor agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
- To agree to offer new 12 month, spot contractual arrangements from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015, with three current day service providers for older people which are currently block contracted. These providers are:
- Sonali Gardens (St Hildas) in Tarling Street, E1 (focusses on Bangladeshi elders)
- Sundial Centre (Peabody Trust) in Shipton Street, E2
- St Hilda’s Weekend Day Centre, E2
All provide borough wide services to older residents who meet FACS[1] eligibility criteria.
- To agree that extensive consultation with current day service users and other stakeholders, and outcomes from the review and vision of The Care Bill should inform the model for a potential service redesign.
3. To agree a further paper to Cabinet in September 2014 with recommendations to be discussed and permission sought to go to the Market with clear outcomes for future Older Peoples Day Opportunities.