Issue - meetings
New Homes - Bradwell Street
Meeting: 06/11/2013 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 6)
6 New Homes - Bradwell Street PDF 131 KB
- To note the total grant of £1,950,000. from the GLA towards the development of 65 Council homes for rent at the Bradwell Street and Ashington House East sites under the Building the Pipeline Supply programme
- To agree the resulting contribution from the Council of £1,991,000 for the development of the Bradwell Garage site
- To adopt a total capital estimate of £2,451,000 in order to deliver the Bradwell Street scheme. This represents the total scheme costs of £2,351,000 plus a suggested contingency of £100,000 (paragraph 1.8).
- To authorise the Director, Development & Renewal to take the necessary actions to deliver the scheme within the timescale of the funding programme including negotiating with Network Rail for the acquisition of amenity land for the Bradwell Street project and dealing with the settlement of any existing rights on both projects
- To authorise officers to proceed with the procurement of the required professional and technical services and works contracts and utilising suitable procurement frameworks available to the public sector.
- To agree to set aside £200,000 of funding from within available existing HRA Overcrowding Initiatives / Affordable Housing budgets in order to complete the preliminary design, site assembly and survey costs on the Ashington House East project pending a future report to Cabinet.
- To authorise the Director, Development & Renewal in consultation with Legal Services to agree the terms of
i) the GLA Funding Agreement
ii) the contracts for the required professional and technical services for both schemes
iii) the works contracts for both schemes, (subject to funding being agreed for Ashington House East scheme )
iv) the land transactions with Network Rail
v) the settlement of any existing rights over land to be used for the schemes
- To authorise the execution of the documents referred to at paragraph 7 above on behalf of the Council
Action by:
(Strategic Housing Manager (J. Coker)
(Strategic Housing Manager (G. Le Tissier)
Councillor Rabina Khan, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report. She explained how the Council had been able to secure the funding from the Greater London Authority (GLA) and highlighted the hard work from officers in achieving this result.
The Mayor highlighted that the Council had now delivered 3300 new homes and that it clearly demonstrated its commitment to helping families in overcrowded households. He agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
- To note the total grant of £1,950,000. from the GLA towards the development of 65 Council homes for rent at the Bradwell Street and Ashington House East sites under the Building the Pipeline Supply programme
- To agree the resulting contribution from the Council of £1,991,000 for the development of the Bradwell Garage site
- To adopt a total capital estimate of £2,451,000 in order to deliver the Bradwell Street scheme. This represents the total scheme costs of £2,351,000 plus a suggested contingency of £100,000 (paragraph 1.8).
- To authorise the Director, Development & Renewal to take the necessary actions to deliver the scheme within the timescale of the funding programme including negotiating with Network Rail for the acquisition of amenity land for the Bradwell Street project and dealing with the settlement of any existing rights on both projects
- To authorise officers to proceed with the procurement of the required professional and technical services and works contracts and utilising suitable procurement frameworks available to the public sector.
- To agree to set aside £200,000 of funding from within available existing HRA Overcrowding Initiatives / Affordable Housing budgets in order to complete the preliminary design, site assembly and survey costs on the Ashington House East project pending a future report to Cabinet.
- To authorise the Director, Development & Renewal in consultation with Legal Services to agree the terms of
i) the GLA Funding Agreement
ii) the contracts for the required professional and technical services for both schemes
iii) the works contracts for both schemes, (subject to funding being agreed for Ashington House East scheme )
iv) the land transactions with Network Rail
v) the settlement of any existing rights over land to be used for the schemes
- To authorise the execution of the documents referred to at paragraph 7 above on behalf of the Council