Issue - meetings
Public Health Procurement Plan 2014-15
Meeting: 11/09/2013 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 9)
9 Public Health Procurement Plan 2014-15 PDF 271 KB
Additional documents:
1. To consider the contract summary at Appendix A, and
a. Confirm that contracts set out in Appendix A can proceed to contract award after tender subject to the relevant Corporate Director who holds the budget for the service area consulting with the Mayor and the relevant lead member prior to contract award, and
b. Identify any contracts about which specific reports – relating to contract award – should be brought before Cabinet prior to contract award by the appropriate Corporate Director for the service area, and
c. Authorise the Head of Legal Services to execute all necessary contract documents in respect of the awards of contracts referred to at recommendation 1b) above and
2. In addition to the above, and in order to allow for a comprehensive review of the School Health Service to take place, to approve a six month continuation of the current contract for the Child Health and Nutrition Services either by extension of the contract or an interim six month contract, in either case to end on 31st September 2014.
Action by:
(Interim Director of Public Health (Dr S. Banerjee)
Councillor Abdul Asad, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, introduced the report. He highlighted its importance since public health responsibilities had been transferred to the Council. A review had been completed to ensure that the Mayor’s and Council’s priorities had been targeted. He explained that individual reports would be coming to Cabinet on some contracts where necessary.
The Mayor welcomed the report and highlighted that, where possible, it was vital that local residents and businesses benefited from procurement opportunities. He agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. To consider the contract summary at Appendix A, and
a. Confirm that contracts set out in Appendix A can proceed to contract award after tender subject to the relevant Corporate Director who holds the budget for the service area consulting with the Mayor and the relevant lead member prior to contract award, and
b. Identify any contracts about which specific reports – relating to contract award – should be brought before Cabinet prior to contract award by the appropriate Corporate Director for the service area, and
c. Authorise a Head of Legal Services to execute all necessary contract documents in respect of the awards of contracts referred to at recommendation 1b) above and
2. In addition to the above, and in order to allow for a comprehensive review of the School Health Service to take place, to approve a six month continuation of the current contract for the Child Health and Nutrition Services either by extension of the contract or an interim six month contract, in either case to end on 31st September 2014.