Issue - meetings
Clinical Commissioning Group
Meeting: 23/04/2013 - Health & Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 4)
Clinical Commissioning Group
Verbal update on the CCG.
At the request of the Chair, Ms Jane Milligan, Chief Officer, Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group, presented a verbal presentation, stating that:
- As from 1 April 2013, Tower Hamlets PCT had been dissolved and replaced by a number of organisations, of which the CCG comprised one, with responsibility for commissioning hospital and community care.
- The CCG was now statutorily organised and must consider how to progress business over the next six months to a year.
- The CCG had a commitment to champion health care for the Borough and would be assisted by a much more clinical leadership.
- Work had been undertaken on the transfer of functions from the PCT to CCG over the last 18 month/two years and some elements were still being put in place. From April, the Governing Body would meet in public every alternate month and would publicise its meetings in the press.
- There had been close working with the HWB to develop strategies and refine areas that still needed work and an easy-to-read prospectus was being developed relating to the commissioning plan. It was likely that the prospectus could be provided for the next Health Scrutiny Panel meeting.
- Work was ongoing on the integration of information systems and it was expected this would be delivered over the next six months.
- The clinical interface with Barts Health was progressing and there had been robust discussions in connection with improvements to cancer groups.
- There would still be financial provision in the current year to allow investment in new areas, such as integrated care, preventative measures and how to support people in looking after themselves. However, as for the Council, the financial envelope would reduce in future years.
- It was accepted that there should be a ‘no surprises’ policy, with advance knowledge being made of any proposals involving, for example, the decommissioning or relocation of services. The earlier that patient consultation could be undertaken, the better.
In regard to requests made by the Panel, Ms Milligan undertook:
(1) to circulate dates of CCG Board meetings to the next Health Scrutiny Panel meeting;
(2) to provide a breakdown of the sum of approximately £473m spent on Tower Hamlets health care(as mentioned by Deborah Cohen as being some £340m to the CCG; £32m to the Public Health Service; £45m each for primary care and specialist health care services).
(3) to provide details of which GP surgeries had been open on evenings and Saturdays but now were not.
(4) to provide information about future plans and any other changes in service provision.
The Chair thanked Ms Milligan for her presentation.