Issue - meetings
Healthwatch Update
Meeting: 23/04/2013 - Health & Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 4)
Healthwatch Tower Hamlets Update
Dianne Barham to provide a verbal update.
At the request of the Chair, Ms Dianne Barham, Director of Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, made a verbal presentation on the functions to be undertaken by Healthwatch as a new consumer champion on health and social care, indicating that:
· The views of local people would be obtained about their needs and experiences of local care services and present such views to those involved in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of services.
· It was intended to work closely with the voluntary sector and reach all groups.
· There would be a significant role in helping people find their way through the system and make informed choices.
· One platform would be provided based on patient-focused, rather than provider-focused, services. People should also have the opportunity to rate how the service was provided.
· There would be liaison with the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to seek more comments from the community.
· A broader and stronger group of community leaders to examine how better to provide services relating to maternity; young people; long-term health conditions; mental health; the Bangladeshi community.
· There would be a launch in June 2013, with a more high profile approach than had been adopted by THINk, and a clear relationship established regarding the respective roles of Healthwatch, HWB and the Health Scrutiny Panel.
The Chair stated that the HWB would represent the Executive, decision-making process and a workshop would be useful to ensure roles were clarified. This would also be helped by holding public meetings. She then invited questions from those present, to which Ms Barham responded that:
- A Board was being recruited that could run the business side of Healthwatch but still provide a good sounding-board for the local community. This was still in the development process and might involve paid posts.
- In order to make HWB available to everyone, a regular slot was being sought in east End Life and there would be quarterly open meetings of the Board to fully engage with and discuss issues and experiences raised by the community.
- In order to accommodate whistle-blowers, people would be able to refer issues to Healthwatch anonymously.
The Chair commented that local councillors would form a resource, with officers and other health partners and a broad conversation was needed across the voluntary sector in Tower Hamlets to effect change. She then thanked Ms Barham for her presentation.