Issue - meetings
Academy Conversions - Old Ford and Culloden Primary Schools
Meeting: 13/03/2013 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 7)
7 Academy Conversions - Old Ford and Culloden Primary Schools PDF 102 KB
1. To approve the land disposal for both schools;
2. To approve the Council to enter into commercial and staffing transfers for both schools;
3. To approve the Council to enter into all other necessary documentation to ensure the liability under the Grouped Schools PFI arrangements for Old Ford School are transferred to the Academy;
4. To authorise the Corporate Director, Education, Social Care and Well-Being in consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive Legal Services and Corporate Director Resources to settle remaining issues associated with the conversion for the two schools;
5. To authorise the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal Services) to execute all documentation required to implement those decisions at 1 to 4.
6. To authorise the Section 151 Officer to execute the Local Government (Contract) Act 1997 Certificate required to implement the decisions at 1 to 4.
Action by:
(Interim Service Head Education, Social Care and Wellbeing Resources, K. Bingham)
Isobel Cattermole, the Interim Corporate Director of Education, Social Care and Wellbeing, introduced the report. She explained that the two schools had been accepted by the Department of Education for conversion to Academy status and that the Council was therefore required to agree various matters such as the transfer of land and deeds of variation.
During discussion a number of Members expressed opposition to the Academy process and concern about its impact on education overall, in particular in creating a piecemeal education system.
The Mayor noted the concerns and asked officers to explore options for monitoring Academies, in particular around special measures and also what would happen should an Academy wish to convert back to local authority control. However, despite the opposition of his administration and other Members to the Academy process, the Mayor made it clear that the Council would work with all schools for the good of their pupils. He then accepted the recommendations in the report.
1. To approve the land disposal for both schools;
2. To approve the Council to enter into commercial and staffing transfers for both schools;
3. To approve the Council to enter into all other necessary documentation to ensure the liability under the Grouped Schools PFI arrangements for Old Ford School are transferred to the Academy;
4. To authorise the Corporate Director, Education, Social Care and Well-Being in consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive Legal Services and Corporate Director Resources to settle remaining issues associated with the conversion for the two schools;
5. To authorise the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal Services) to execute all documentation required to implement those decisions at 1 to 4.
6. To authorise the Section 151 Officer to execute the Local Government (Contract) Act 1997 Certificate required to implement the decisions at 1 to 4.