Issue - meetings
Options for the Refurbishment of Phase 3 of the Council's Shortlife Properties
Meeting: 13/02/2013 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 6)
6 Options for the Refurbishment of Phase 3 of the Council's Shorflife Housing Properties PDF 162 KB
1. To agree to Option 1, outlined at section 6 below, and authorise the investment of council resources in refurbishing eleven properties (numbers 9, 11, 46, 48, 50, 52, 58, 62 and 64 Bruce Road E3, 93 Old Ford Road E3 and 34 Mount Terrace E1) and bringing them back into use as council tenancies to be managed by THH. The twelfth property is already in the process of refurbishment, as detailed at paragraph 5.5.
2. To agree to award all eligible TUSH members (as outlined at paragraph 6.8) resident in these properties and registered on the council’s housing waiting list additional management priority points to enable them to bid for suitable replacement housing in line with the Council’s lettings policy.
3. To approve the allocation of capital resources to accomplish the refurbishment of the eleven houses, and adopt a capital estimate of £1.7 million to enable the scheme to be included within the capital programme.
4. To delegate further decisions on the awarding of a contract to refurbish the properties and the options for carrying out additional works to one of the properties (see details of 34 Mount Terrace at paragraph 6.6) to the Corporate Director of Development & Renewal after consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive and the Mayor.
Action by:
(Service Head, Strategy, Innovation & Sustainability, J. Odunoye)
Councillor Rabina Khan, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report stating that it was an excellent proposal. She responded to a number of questions and concerns from existing residents stating that she had examined all the options with officers and was satisfied that the existing proposal was the most appropriate for the site. In particular she highlighted the priority the Council was placing in increasing the number of family sized houses available to Council tenants.
Responding to questions it was explained that officers would work with all existing residents to ensure they were given priority status and would all be rehoused.
During discussion it was noted that support for single vulnerable adults was also very important and that there may be benefit in the Council exploring new ideas to help them support each other in grouped accommodation.
The Mayor welcomed the report, whilst acknowledging the concerns of existing residents. He confirmed that they would be given good support by officers and priority status to ensure they were rehoused.
1. To agree to Option 1, outlined at section 6 below, and authorise the investment of council resources in refurbishing eleven properties (numbers 9, 11, 46, 48, 50, 52, 58, 62 and 64 Bruce Road E3, 93 Old Ford Road E3 and 34 Mount Terrace E1) and bringing them back into use as council tenancies to be managed by THH. The twelfth property is already in the process of refurbishment, as detailed at paragraph 5.5.
2. To agree to award all eligible TUSH members (as outlined at paragraph 6.8) resident in these properties and registered on the council’s housing waiting list additional management priority points to enable them to bid for suitable replacement housing in line with the Council’s lettings policy.
3. To approve the allocation of capital resources to accomplish the refurbishment of the eleven houses, and adopt a capital estimate of £1.7 million to enable the scheme to be included within the capital programme.
4. To delegate further decisions on the awarding of a contract to refurbish the properties and the options for carrying out additional works to one of the properties (see details of 34 Mount Terrace at paragraph 6.6) to the Corporate Director of Development & Renewal after consultation with the Assistant Chief Executive and the Mayor.