Issue - meetings
Reviewing how the Arts and Events team, promote the principles of One Tower Hamlets. In particular, how arts and events strengthen community cohesion and build community leadership
Meeting: 03/10/2012 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 10)
1. Consider the report of the scrutiny challenge session and agree the action plan in response to the review recommendations in all parts of the borough.
Action by:
Corporate Director Communities, Localities and Culture (S. Halsey)
Councillor Ann Jackson, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, introduced the report. She highlighted the good work of the Arts and Events Team and how they delivered the One Tower Hamlets principles.
Councillor Alibor Choudhury, Cabinet Member for Resources, requested an amendment to the report recommendation to highlight the importance of meeting the aims of the action plan in all parts of the Borough.
The Mayor welcomed the report and agreed to the suggested recommendation change and unless there were budgetary issues or that the timescales were not feasible agreed with the recommendations.
1. To Consider the report of the scrutiny challenge session and agree the action plan in response to the review recommendations in all parts of the borough.