Issue - meetings
Young Tower Hamlets Progress Update
Meeting: 27/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Young Tower Hamlets Progress Update PDF 468 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix. 1 for Young Tower Hamlets Progress Update, item 6 PDF 9 MB
- Webcast for Young Tower Hamlets Progress Update
Pre-decision scrutiny questions were noted.
1. Note the progress made in respect of the Youth Service roll out.
2. Provide agreement to continue to roll out line with the implementation plan.
Action by:
Corporate Director Childrens Services (S. Reddy)
Interim Director of Youth Services (S. Rahman)
Pre-decision scrutiny questions were noted.
Councillor Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning introduced the report that provided an update in respect of the progress made with the youth service transformation. Councillor Talukdar summarised what had been achieved to date around the implementation of the Young Tower Hamlets delivery model, mobilisation of the new youth service offer and the priorities over the coming months as well as governance oversight, budget and risks.
Shafiur Rahman, Director of Commissioning and Youth, provided further details. Shafiur provided an overview of the major milestones completed in the launch of the service, including design of a new staffing model, recruitment, grant applications and funding secured, communications activity including social media promotion, independent accreditation and creation of a new quality assurance framework. Shafiur also provided information on how the new KPIs for the service would work and how the service would provide for young people with additional needs, including SEND users.
Cabinet welcomed the report and asked that, in addition to social media platforms, officers exploit traditional engagement methods, to maximise the reach of communications activity. They also asked that local employment be promoted as a key outcome of the new service.
The Mayor welcomed the report. He expressed hope Young Tower Hamlets would ensure all local young people had the support and opportunities they needed to be successful adults. He asked that provision include a strong focus on academic performance, to include partnership with schools to secure mentoring opportunities, and provision of safe spaces for homework. As with the wider Council, the Mayor stressed the workforce should reflect the community.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
- Noted the progress made in respect of the Youth Service roll out.
- Agreed to continue to roll out line with the implementation plan.