Issue - meetings
Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy
Meeting: 10/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy PDF 409 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix. 1 for Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy, item 6
PDF 516 KB
- Appendix. 2 for Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy, item 6
PDF 396 KB
- Appendix. 3 for Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy, item 6
PDF 712 KB
- Appendix. 4 for Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy, item 6
PDF 504 KB
- Webcast for Approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy
The Mayor noted and agreed the reasons for urgency, as provided in the report submitted.
1. Approves the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy (Appendix A to the report) and new Homelessness Accommodation Procurement Strategy (Appendix B to the report).
2. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration should any further amendments be required because of new legislation or case law in consultation with the Mayor and Lead Member.
3. Approve the two pilot schemes, (1) Cost of Living Grant Scheme and (2) Find Your Own PRS Accommodation Scheme, and to register both on the council’s grants register.
4. Delegate authority to officers to administer and issue grants to residents under the Cost of Living and Find Your Own PRS Accommodation Grant schemes.
5. Delegate authority to the Director of Housing to extend the pilots or make them permanent prevention initiatives, subject to available finances and in consultation with the Mayor and Lead member.
Councillor Kabir Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding introduced the report that recommended the approval of the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy. Councillor Ahmed explained that the existingpolicy was nolonger fitfor purpose given the current increase in homelessness, lack of availability of affordable and suitable accommodation in the borough and recent changes in legislation. In addition, a new Homelessness Accommodation ProcurementStrategywouldsitsidebysidewiththeHomelessnessAccommodation Placement Policy and would set out the council’s approach as to how officers will procure available housing stock to discharge the council’s statutory homelessness duties and responsibilities. The strategy will ensure that the council followscurrent legislationand provides clearguidance forstaff toensure affordability and suitability of accommodation which is procured for this purpose.
Councillor Ahmed explained that the report also proposed two pilot projects,: a Cost of Living Grant Scheme and a Find Your Own PRS Accommodation Grant scheme. Councillor Ahmed explained how each of the grants would operate.
Councillor Kabir Ahmed explained how the proposal would ensure financial viability to provide long term stability for suitable housing. He noted that some councils faced risk of bankruptcy because of homelessness and temporary accommodation spending. However, the proposals would enable a stronger long-term approach and better quality service for residents.
Karen Swift, Director of Housing explained how the proposals linked to the previously considered performance outturn, noting that the plan would help move KPI004 from red to amber. Karen provided more detail on the proposed grants pilot projects, the procurement strategy and asked the Mayor and Cabinet to note the equalities impact assessment accompanying the policy, which demonstrated that impact on equality and associated safeguards were considered to be satisfactory.
The Mayor welcomed the report and the prioritisation offered to vulnerable residents, those with health and children’s educational needs.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Approves the council’s revised Homelessness Accommodation Placement Policy (Appendix A to the report) and new Homelessness Accommodation Procurement Strategy (Appendix B to the report).
2. Delegates authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Regeneration should any further amendments be required because of new legislation or case law in consultation with the Mayor and Lead Member.
3. Approves the two pilot schemes, (1) Cost of Living Grant Scheme and (2) Find Your Own PRS Accommodation Scheme, and to register both on the council’s grants register.
4. Delegates authority to officers to administer and issue grants to residents under the Cost of Living and Find Your Own PRS Accommodation Grant schemes.
5. Delegates authority to the Director of Housing to extend the pilots or make them permanent prevention initiatives, subject to available finances and in consultation with the Mayor and Lead member.