Issue - meetings
Strategic Delivery and Performance report (23-24) Quarter 2
Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Strategic Delivery and Performance report (23-24) Quarter 2 PDF 291 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1, item 6
- Webcast for Strategic Delivery and Performance report (23-24) Quarter 2
1. Note the strategic delivery and performance report for Q2 covering the period of 1st July 2023 to 30th September 2023 (This cover report).
2. Review the status of 51 performance measures in Q2 tracking the delivery of Year 2 of the Strategic Plan 2023-2024 (See Appendix A to the report).
Action by
Director Dir. of Strategy, Transformation & Improvement (R. Beattie)
Corporate Head of Strategy and Improvement (D. Plumer)
The pre decision scrutiny questions and tabled responses were noted.
Councillor Saied Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Resources and the Cost of Living, introduced the report that provided the Mayor in Cabinet with a Quarter 2 monitoring update of Year 2 Annual Delivery Plan 2023-24 performance measures. Councillor Ahmed outlines some of the key achievements from the past quarter, as well as some areas where the Council continued to experience challenge in meeting in targets.
The Mayor welcomed the report and noted the successful performance measures. With respect to the 5 red, 7 amber, he invited lead members, supported by relevant corporate directors, to provide explanation for the underperformance and to outline the measures in-place, or planned to reverse the underperformance. With respect to the 6 no data measures, the Mayor asked officers to provide an explanation why this was the case for each measure.
The Mayor offered his thanks to Cabinet members and officers for their contributions and reminded all present that the performance measures represented the tangible experiences of the borough’s residents. He reiterated his ambition that all performance measures should be met.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Note the strategic delivery and performance report for Q2 covering the period of 1st July 2023 to 30th September 2023 (cover report).
2. Review the status of 51 performance measures in Q2 tracking the delivery of Year 2 of the Strategic Plan 2023-2024 (See Appendix A to the report).