Issue - meetings
Review of CIPFA Guidance on the management of Audit Committees
Meeting: 22/01/2024 - Audit Committee (Item 4)
4 Review of CIPFA Guidance on the management of Audit Committees PDF 256 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix. 1 for Review of Membership of the Audit Committee, item 4
PDF 675 KB
- Appendix. 2 for Review of Membership of the Audit Committee, item 4
PDF 132 KB
- Appendix. 3 for Review of Membership of the Audit Committee, item 4
PDF 215 KB
- Webcast for Review of CIPFA Guidance on the management of Audit Committees
Ms Jill Bayley Head of Safeguarding, Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer presented this report and stated that this had previously been to the Committee at its last meeting of 23rd November 2023. Ms Bayley explained members were being asked to decide the composition of the Committee and its membership going forward. She referred members to the bullet points listed at paragraph 3.23 and asked members to indicate their preference for the options.
The outcome of the discussion and voting was as follows. The Chair, Councillor Harun Miah did not take part in the voting.
a) Exclude the Cabinet Member for Resources from the Committee Membership and limit the overall number of Cabinet Members on the Committee to no more than 1.AGREED unanimously by all committee members.
b) Have no Cabinet members on the Committee. REJECTED by a vote of 4 out of 7.
c) That if there are Cabinet members on the Committee then the Committee should be chaired by an independent member. REJECTED by a vote of 4 out of 7.
d) Irrespective of the above, the number of Independent Members should be increased to two. REJECTED by a vote of 4 out of 7.
e) The overall number of Councillors on the Committee be reduced to seven (from nine) appointed on a proportional basis so that the overall membership does not expand too far beyond the recommended maximum of 8 Members when including independent members. AGREED unanimously by all committee members.
f) That the Committee should remain a formal decision-making body and not change to an advisory body. AGREED unanimously by all committee members.
g) That a Job Description is prepared for the Chair of the Committee setting out the requirements of the role including responsibility to ensure debate is held in an open and transparent and non-political manner. AGREED unanimously by all committee members.
Further discussion took place regarding how the above changes would be implemented. Ms Bayley explained that she would report the changes to the Monitoring Officer and that a report with the new terms of reference would be considered by the General Purposes Committee as well as Full Council.
Member enquired if the changes would be made before the next scheduled meeting of the Audit Committee or take effect from the new Municipal Year in May 2024. Members AGREED that the changes should be made for the start of the 2024-25 Municipal Year.
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
- Review and consider the CIPFA Practical Guidance for Audit Committees attached at Appendix 1 to this report.
- Consider whether the Committee wishes to make any changes to its operation/membership in light of the Guidance and in particular to consider the options set out in Paragraph 3.23 in relation to the Membership and Independence of the Committee.
- That the changes to the composition of the Audit Committee should be made in accordance with the above and that any such changes should come into effect for the start of the 2024-25 municipal year once ... view the full minutes text for item 4
Meeting: 23/11/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 4)
4 Review of CIPFA Guidance on the management of Audit Committees PDF 256 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix. 1 for Review of Membership of the Audit Committee, item 4
PDF 675 KB
- Appendix. 2 for Review of Membership of the Audit Committee, item 4
PDF 132 KB
- Appendix. 3 for Review of Membership of the Audit Committee, item 4
PDF 215 KB
- Webcast for Review of CIPFA Guidance on the management of Audit Committees
Ms Janet Fasan, Director of Legal and Monitoring Officer presented the report and said it invited Audit Committee members to review the composition and operation of the Audit Committee to reflect the updated Guidance published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) in 2022. Ms Fasan said the document provided guidance on several areas and wanted to know how the Audit Committee wanted to proceed. She referred members to paragraph 3.4 onwards which set out the key points as well as paragraph 3.23 on the appointment of an independent chair.
In response to comments and questions from members the following was noted:
· Councillor Islam stated that she did not think Cabinet/executive members should make-up the membership of the Audit Committee. She said there should be a separation which would be good for governance and transparency. Councillor Bustin and Mr Jonathan Gooding, external auditor from Deloitte concurred with this view.
· Councillor Kabir Ahmed asked if there were timelines involved to decide on this matter and enquired if the Constitution working group were required to consider the matter. Ms Fasan stated that it would be advisable for the Audit Committee to consider its composition as it was a constituted committee of Council.
o ACTION: Members agreed that an options paper be presented to the Audit Committee at its next meeting, outlining the possible makeup of the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee RESOLVED to:
1. Defer their decision in relation to the CIPFA guidelines and the composition of the Audit Committee and requested an options paper be presented to them at their next meeting for further discussion and consideration.