Issue - meetings
New fees for the Garden Suite at St. Georges Town Hall – Register Office
Meeting: 29/11/2023 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 New fees for the Garden Suite at St. Georges Town Hall – Register Office PDF 241 KB
Additional documents:
- A Benchmarking Garden Suite Aug 2023, item 6
PDF 317 KB
- B Wedding brochure DRAFT Aug 2023, item 6
- C Garden Suite Proposed Fees October 2023, item 6
PDF 375 KB
- D Financial Projections Garden Suite (002), item 6
PDF 223 KB
- Webcast for New fees for the Garden Suite at St. Georges Town Hall – Register Office
1. Authorise the Corporate Director Resources to agree new fees being introduced by the Registration Service for post wedding celebrations in the new Garden Suite at St. Georges Town Hall as set out in section 3 of the report.
Action by
Head of Customer Services (L. Sykes)
Councillor Kabir Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding introduced the report that proposed new fees for post wedding celebrations in the new Garden Suite at St. Georges Town Hall. Councillor Ahmed explained that this would allow customers and residents the opportunity to hire a new space for post wedding celebrations as part of wedding packages. A consultation with residents will take place in the future if it is decided to hire the room out beyond office hours.
Further to questions from Cabinet members, Kathy Constantinou, Superintendent Registrar/Head of Registration and Citizenship Service and Leah Sykes, (Head of Customer Services) provided an overview of expected demand for the service in the first few years. They noted not many other local authorities offered a similar service.
The Mayor welcomed the report and asked that the new service is promoted widely including via BAME media outlets.
RESOLVED that the Mayor in Cabinet:
1. Authorises the Corporate Director Resources to agree new fees being introduced by the Registration Service for post wedding celebrations in the new Garden Suite at St. Georges Town Hall as set out in section 3 of the report.