Issue - meetings
King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding
Meeting: 22/11/2023 - King George's Field Charity Board (Item 3)
Additional documents:
- Appendix. 1 for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding, item 3 PDF 486 KB
- Appendix. 2 for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding, item 3 PDF 202 KB
- Appendix. 3 for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding, item 3 PDF 200 KB
- Appendix. 4 for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding, item 3 PDF 534 KB
- Appendix. 5 for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding, item 3 PDF 95 KB
- Webcast for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding
RESOLVED that the Board;
1. Notes the update on the submission of the 2021/22 audited accounts and annual report to the Charity Commission.
2. Authorises Catherine Boyd to be the nominated charity contact to access the Charity Commission’s “My Commission Account”.
3. Notes the recommendations by the external auditors (Management Letter) with regards to the 2021/22 accounts.
4. Notes the update on the end of year accounts 2022/23.
5. Notes the current financial position for 2023/24.
6. Notes the activities update for 2023/24.
7. Notes the Governance update.
8. at the next meeting of the board reviews the options and takes a decision on the allocation of Fields in Trust funding.
The board received a report providing an update on the submission of the audited accounts and annual report for 2021/22 to the Charity Commission. The report included management recommendations from the auditors in respect of the 2021/22 audited accounts for the Board’s noting.
This report also provided an update on the 2022/23 accounts is provided as part of this report as well as an overview of the current financial position for 2023/24 and activities update. A governance update is also provided as part of this report. In addition, the report seeks a decision from the Board on the allocation of grant funding from Fields in Trust.
The board of the trust considered the report and the Chair of the Trust then
moved the recommendations and it was:-
1. Notes the update on the submission of the 2021/22 audited accounts and annual report to the Charity Commission.
2. Authorises Catherine Boyd to be the nominated charity contact to access the Charity Commission’s “My Commission Account”.
3. Notes the recommendations by the external auditors (Management Letter) with regards to the 2021/22 accounts.
4. Notes the update on the end of year accounts 2022/23.
5. Notes the current financial position for 2023/24.
6. Notes the activities update for 2023/24.
7. Notes the Governance update.
8. at their next meeting reviews the options and takes a decision on the allocation of Fields in Trust funding.
Meeting: 25/10/2023 - King George's Field Charity Board (Item 4.1)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1, item 4.1 PDF 486 KB
- Appendix 2, item 4.1 PDF 202 KB
- Appendix 3, item 4.1 PDF 200 KB
- Appendix 4, item 4.1 PDF 532 KB
- Appendix 5, item 4.1 PDF 95 KB
- Webcast for King George’s Field Trust audited accounts 21/22, management recommendations and governance update, current financial position, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding