Issue - meetings
Feedback from the THT Board (verbal update)
Meeting: 20/03/2023 - Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 1)
Feedback from the Tower Hamlets Together (THT) Board (verbal update)
Additional documents:
The Board received an update from Amy Gibbs Chair of Tower Hamlets Together (THT) which may be summarised as follows:
The Board
v Noted that a major priority for THT currently is the implementation of the fuller review into how to better integrate primary care with other services; neighbourhood level and aligning that with the existing localities development program.
v Noted this is about integrating care at very local level around people's needs through working closely with residents, the voluntary sector, and statutory partners.
v Agreed that to improve health and wellbeing in the Borough. The Council, the NHS and Community organisations in Tower Hamlets can do better at listening and collaborating with people to make sure health and care services better address people’s needs i.e. residents can help shape this so local services and opportunities are more in line with what people want.
v Noted the THT would be recruiting a new Localities Lead to deliver really integrated care integrated and partnership working across organisational boundaries. In addition, the Localities Lead will also be the responsible for developing the community voice strategy and the implications that this strategy will have for improving population well-being over the long term.
v Noted in regard to inclusion work the THT is looking to deliver anti- hate crime and discrimination program for leaders, managers, and HR professionals across the Borough.
v Noted that maternal deaths for women from ethnic minority backgrounds remains disproportionately high compared to women from the indigenous population.
v Noted some women are opting for private maternity care because they do not feel safe to give birth in the NHS. THT has therefore agreed that this must be a major priority for the local system and a deep dive is planned.
In conclusion, the Chair thanked Amy Gibbs for a most helpful and informative update.
Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 1)
Feedback from the Tower Hamlets Together (THT) Board (verbal update)
Additional documents:
The Board received an update from Amy Gibbs Chair of Tower Hamlets Together which may be summarised as follows:
The Board
v Noted the work to transition into taking on the Integrated Care Board functions between the north east London’s (NEL) place partnerships and NHS North East London including contributing to the new NEL accountability framework.
v Noted that the North East London’s place partnerships are uniquely placed to drive the integration between health and care that will improve residents’ wellbeing, through co-produced approaches that build on community assets.
v Noted as partnerships, they understand their communities and the inequalities that residents face. Reshaping north east London’s health and care system so that it is equitable, delivers improved wellbeing for everyone, and is financially sustainable, will happen only if we work together to deliver at neighbourhood, place, collaborative, and system.
v Noted that each element of the system needs to be accountable for its part of the improvement journey and to work together alongside residents and communities to effect change sustainably.
v Noted that THT had welcomed new Board members such as Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, THT’s new Clinical and Care Director, Roberto Tamsanguan, and Primary Care Development Lead, Khyati Bakhai.
v Noted that the THT are recruiting new clinical leads across multiple professional disciplines. In addition, Members also received an update on THT work to maintain and strengthen community voice and inclusion within the Board and across THT, including ongoing user voice slots, the local investment in the new Community Voice Lead, and their £100,000 tender for anti-racism education across the partnership, that is now live.
In conclusion, the Chair thanked the Chair of Tower Hamlets Together for a very helpful and informative update.